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BTL sound

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I had an 05 RE XXX 12D2 in 2.2 cubes @ 35 or 37hz on 1500W and it sounded great and pounded in my Sunfire. I swapped it for an Atomic APX 12D2 and although everything is box determinant I didn't like the sound of the cone, it's like it didn't matter what box it was in, it wasn't near SQ, how does the new BTL sound compared to these? I only have those subs to compare. The XXX sounded neutral & deep and the APX sounded like "cardboard". Does the cone sound smooth like it's designed to play a low octave? I didn't like going from XBL^2 to an SPL sub. Is the BTL somewhere in between or very similiar to an APX? Is anyone in the Hamilton, Ontario area willing to demo?

See any problems with this? It says total port length is 29" but the box is only 26" deep, shouldn't it be 27" and 28" with a double front baffle?

RE box calculator

37 width

17 height

26/26 depth

1" MDF

6"/0" port

5.771 @ 33.77/2.7055 each

90 sq.in.


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Why don't you just go back to the XXX

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