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You win a sub in a raffle, it comes and the mounting lip is bent. Guy claims it was perfect and shipped perfect. You recieve it and the box is straight shitty. You show hime the pics and he claims it had a wooden brace for the bottom and was packed way better.

Claim is filed and he tells you they only are paying 135, you check with FedEx and they tell you they paid 560. Now should you be entitled to the 70 you paid or the full 500 he was paid (minus the 60 shipping) for your piece of damaged equipment?


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Lol, I'm retarded, I would say just the $70. You spend on it, because you won it. Not like you paid full price for it.

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Now lemme ask u this,

If you buy a car for 70 bucks, and insure it (fully) and wrech it, should they only pay you the 70 bucks you paid or the full worth of the car??

Same principals.


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You should get the full price. Jerk is just trying to make more money on the raffle deal. He put up the sub from the beginning, which means he was prepared to let the full $560 go.

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IMO as long as you get back all of the money you paid out, be happy and move on. It was apparently a raffle, so there was a possibility you would have paid money out and received nothing in return. If you break even and get your money back, you did better than everyone else who participated.

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IMO as long as you get back all of the money you paid out, be happy and move on. It was apparently a raffle, so there was a possibility you would have paid money out and received nothing in return. If you break even and get your money back, you did better than everyone else who participated.

Yea but if you won wouldnt u expect to recieve it in the condition it was described in?


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You should be entitled to replacment cost in this situtation, but were their any terms or conditions as far as shipping disclosures?

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You should be entitled to replacment cost in this situtation, but were their any terms or conditions as far as shipping disclosures?

That he would insure it and it would arrive exactly as pictured.

Guarenteed not doa. which the coils still all read right about 2 ohm

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You should have a fully working sub. He shipped it wrong, his fault. Sucks to be in that situation, but you were given a promise and he should keep it.

I would say if he asks you to compromise and for a good reason, I'd be nice to him...but that shouldn't be the case.

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No good reason given............hes pocketing an extra 490.

Oh well karma will get him. I been raising a big stink over there anyways

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