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SPL Tiles from Second Skin

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Has anyone had any experience using the SPL tiles from Second Skin? Im finally starting the process of doing a build on a Suburban. I will be running 1 18" btl and i know i will definately need some sound deadening. Sounds like these Spl Tiles will be a better option for me since i dont want to have to go through dynomatting the whole truck

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Has anyone had any experience using the SPL tiles from Second Skin? Im finally starting the process of doing a build on a Suburban. I will be running 1 18" btl and i know i will definately need some sound deadening. Sounds like these Spl Tiles will be a better option for me since i dont want to have to go through dynomatting the whole truck

Those are only 6"x10" pieces. It depends on how much of the truck you are going to do and how many layers you want.

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I thought with those spl tiles you only needed to apply them to 25 % of the area you wanted to sound deaden

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I thought with those spl tiles you only needed to apply them to 25 % of the area you wanted to sound deaden

Im looking at the site and I dont see anything about that. Are you on a specific budget?

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no not really i just dont want to go through putting layer after layer of sound deadener down. I would like to stay around $200 or $300 for sound deadener. Im also trying to cut down on my labor too. lol

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Take a look at this link. Its from a different company but looks like a similar product. Click on the CLD Tiles


That link doesnt work. You dont have to do more than one layer if you dont want to. If you want to cut down on labor I highly suggest you buy the roller with the deadener. It helps a lot.

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Bear in mind that though they are similar products, Ant (SecondSkin) and Don (SDS) have different deadening philosophies. Don @ SDS is the individual who promotes the idea of 25% coverage, and as a result developed the CLD tiles to make it easier and more cost effective to achieve that goal. Ant claims he had developed the SPL tiles a year or two ago, yet interestingly didn't release them until after SDS started marketing their CLD tiles.

I would highly recommend the CLD Tiles from SDS. Don is amazingly helpful and always provides useful information aimed at helping people achieve their goals rather than selling them more product.

EDIT: I would like to point out that when I posted this response, I had not realized this thread was moved from the General forum to the SecondSkin subforum. Infact I think it was moved while I was responding.

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The 25% coverage plan is not ours. That belongs to Don at SDS.

His theory behind covering the panel with 25% coverage is the same one the OEM industry has been using for years.

Basically it treats the harmonic resonance in the sheet metal.

25% -30% is about where the point of diminishing results kick in for harmonic distortion, but the results do keep coming all the way up to 100% (depending on the product, the car and the intensity and frequency placed upon the sheet metal in the car). People tend to confuse the idea of dimishing retuls with no additional returns and think that 25% is the end all number for every vibration damping project. I don't follow that Idea, and nore do many in the industry. That is not to say that the 25% plan does not have its place. It certainly does, and it works very well for its intended purpose.

Out tiles are intended to reduce as much vibrations as possilbe with as little work as necessary. Sure, you can use the 25% plan with them, and since they have the thickest foil on the market and an ahdeive with a very high rubber content they will work for that intended purpose, but you might find that you will need more than 25%. You might find that for your goals and sound system 50% or 75% might be the magic number. Most of it will be trial and error. 25% is a great starting point though.

As far as me claiming that the teils were my idea a year ago, they were not.

They were actually presented to me byt the company that manufactures the materails for me and I declined. I never claimed to invent the tiles. Neither I nor anyone else in the aftermarket industry can.

They man that brought the concept of constrainat layer damping to the OEM and to the aftermarket still works int he industry formulating adhesive. We have spoke at length and have very similar view points on damping. Infact, mcuh of what I have learned was from him, or the engineers he has referred me to.

I never claimed to invent Constraint Layer Damping. I just simple improve up on the existing products.


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As far as me claiming that the teils were my idea a year ago, they were not.

They were actually presented to me byt the company that manufactures the materails for me and I declined. I never claimed to invent the tiles.

I guess I misinterpreted this statement you made;

"This is something we developed over 2 years ago and never sold."

We developed generally does not mean it was something presented to you by a 3rd party and you passed on it......it means your company developed the product but decided not to take it to market.

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Sure.. I can see the confusion.. I simply left out the details of the exact situation.

I was presented with teh idea and samples were provide. I made some changes (increased tile size, which they were calling pads), got more samples in, then decided against following through with the product.

So I guess we, with the help of our manufacture, we developed the pads. I just left out the details.


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I appreciate you clarifying the situation for us ANT. If i decide to go with the SPL tiles i will definately put up a honest review of your product with pictures. Its nice to be able to talk with the actual person about his product.

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I appreciate you clarifying the situation for us ANT. If i decide to go with the SPL tiles i will definately put up a honest review of your product with pictures. Its nice to be able to talk with the actual person about his product.

No problem

Either way you go, you will get good results.

Don has a solid product, so the results will be solid.

This thread was about our products so I wanted to chime in.

If you have any questions let me know

[email protected]

I am always happy to help, regardless of whos product you use.


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