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From: Your input on my component system

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M5 and Jay cee, I dont think im as knowledgeable in car audio as you guys are giving me credit for, when your asking what are my plans? what am I willing to do? Im not sure what is necessary and what is not necessary, as M5 stated earlier I started this thread with the idea of having two sets of Components one in the front one in the back. I have learned that you guys highly disagree with this. but this as a example of what my previous knowledge was, im not sure on what i need to be looking into on install? so MJ is suggesting something that is alot easier to do.. (although after finished maybe you guys wouldn't be satisfied with the sound of the install, is it something i will be happy with? because like stated earlier this is going to be played around people that are way less knowledgeable than me. let alone you guys)

Ok well Ill throw out what Im planning and you guys can let me know what im missing or need to rethink.

I currently have all four door panels dynomated pretty well. (this was done on my last ill knowledge install) Iv been looking around and plan on getting Butyl rope, closed cell foam, and mass loaded vinyl Barrier from Sounddeadenershowdown from M5's sig. I also plan on cutting out 1/2 mdf baffles. My idea as of now is to obviously install the closed cell foam and mass loaded vinyl Barrier on all door panels and back wall of the truck. then cut out a mdf baffle and mount it with a piece of butyl rope to the pre existing speaker location in my door. I then will obviously mount the speaker to the MDF. (do you think having a small piece of butyl rope in between the speaker and MDF is a good idea?) I am also planning on putting a piece of Egg carton foam behind the speaker if possible (not sure if the window will get in the way when rolled down) I then will mount the tweeter On the dash up against the front window and do a little playing around to see what I like on exact tweeter placement. But as of now thats what im planning. i read that the hybrids ( which i was planning on doing?) do best with a open air baffle.

So thats what im planning so far, maybe im going down a wrong road somewhere? but as for my knowledge is seems that a active system would be to much to learn, and you guys disagree with a 3 way passive system? so iv been planning on just the two way passives. and Im guessing you guys will disagree with the mids in the doors? but that would be the easiest install for me. (i understand easy and best probably dont go together but I can see that my idea of sounding good will be alot different than yours)

So let me know what i need to rethink or maybe theres a option im looking over? but thats my plans as of now. like i said i was planning on doing this asap but have just been putting it off due to the fact that im realizing how little i really know.

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