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BTL + subzero temperatures

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Not sure if this is the right place for this, i apologize if it gets moved.

So my concern is if sub-zero temperatures have any effect on subwoofers or their electrical counterparts. I know it seems stupid but i want to make sure i don't harm anything. I'll be attending michigan technological university in the upper peninsula of michigan next year where its not un-common for temperatures to reach below zero in the winter. IS there anyway that prolonged exposure to those sort of temperatures could hurt my btl? or my sundown amp?


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Should be fine..

Big thing is the inside of the motor may sweat if you get it hot with it being so cold outside...but everything is coated on the inside so it won't rust..

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I'm from Wisconsin, and it isn't really a big deal, I've just noticed that if you let the car war up a bit, your sub(s) will sound better. Not entirely sure why, but I think this has to do with the fact that the surround is stiffer when it is cold. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

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like any system and vehicle as well... you let it sit for afew mins warming up at idle, just like your motor, stereo on low volume. this gets things moving alittle but not to much so any moisture frozen gets heated up and melts away before it causes damage.

as long as you dont hop in your car and crank it up within the first 5mins youll be fine!

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