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12" Q in a ported box

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Looking for suggestions here. I have now 2 12" Qs in a sealed box, with separate chambers. Thinking they might be better off in a ported box. Not sure if they should be in the same chamber or separate. Not too sure what to tune it to, either. I can go as big as I need to for the box, though. Normally I would graph it in WinISD to get an idea how it would turn out, however that's not available to me currently. Any suggestions on this topic? Also, if someone is able to post some WinISD graphs I can look at, that would be very appreciated.

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Perhaps a goal or description would yield you an answer. The guidelines of how to make an effective thread are in my sig

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Looking for suggestions here. I have now 2 12" Qs in a sealed box, with separate chambers. Thinking they might be better off in a ported box. Not sure if they should be in the same chamber or separate. Not too sure what to tune it to, either. I can go as big as I need to for the box, though. Normally I would graph it in WinISD to get an idea how it would turn out, however that's not available to me currently. Any suggestions on this topic? Also, if someone is able to post some WinISD graphs I can look at, that would be very appreciated.

Need more info please and you could of kept this in the other post instead of making a topic for it. It doesnt really matter if there in the same chamber or different ones.Put it in an eclosure that is recommended and choose a tuning for your liking or music preference:

under 30Hz - brutal lows

30-35Hz - Daily pounding

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Made a new thread since this is specifically about a ported box, whereas the other thread is pertaining to the whole system. Things can get ugly and hard to read when there's multiple topic discussed in the same thread. Here's more info, sorry I didn't notice that link earlier. Some points I can only touch on, I've been in Afghanistan for awhile and can't remember much pertinent info about setups I have heard before then.

* Subwoofers in question, number of subwoofers & subwoofer size

2 12" Fi Q dual 1 ohm

* Amplifier being used, specifically the model number.

AudioQue AQ2200D

* Fabrication skill level


* Preferred material to be used (i.e. MDF, fibreglass, etc)

Wood. Whatever is best.

* Vehicle which the subwoofers will be used in

1999 Chevy Tahoe 4 door. Lots of room.

* Other products you have heard, but have not owned that you enjoyed & their install particulars.

Haven't listened to much that's notable lately, except for a couple JL W7s in ported box, each powered individually with a 750-800W amp (can't recall for sure) which do a pretty good job in his car.

* Musical preferences

Mostly rock and heavy metal, occasional hip-hop

* System goals

SQ that gets loud on demand.

* Previous subwoofers you have used, and their installation particulars

3 Boston G2s in a sealed box with a Rockford P1000bd amp

* List any research you have previously done

Not too sure what I'm supposed to put here. I've done lots of research over the past couple months on all kinds of car audio related topics. I know I didn't get everything, however.

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