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Fiberglass Tutorial on AF

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He covers all the basic aspects of fiberglassing. Good tutorial.

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I must be loosing my mind...when i posted this i thought i was in the fabrication form....lol, oh well. no point in cross posting...

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  CBFryman said:
I must be loosing my mind...when i posted this i thought i was in the fabrication form....lol, oh well. no point in cross posting...

I will move it for you, great post

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Thanks :)

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it says you put all the layers on at one time...

i always thought it was best to let the layers dry , before adding the next layer. i suppose both ways would yield the same results?????

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  CBFryman said:
Thanks :)

no problem, if you need anything moved or edited PM me or one of the mods and we can help ya out :fing34:

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  jellyfish420 said:
it says you put all the layers on at one time...

i always thought it was best to let the layers dry , before adding the next layer. i suppose both ways would yield the same results?????

I went layer by layer with my kicks and put a bunch of layers on at once for the subwoofer enclosure.

Both worked fine for me. Only complaint with adding a bunch at a time for me was the layer underneath sometimes wanted to pull up when stabbing the brush into it. No biggie ... just added more resin.

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you can do it either way, but it all depends on the weight of your mat/glass. really you dont want more than 3 layres of 8oz mat and 4 layres of 6oz cloth at one time. much more and it will be a huge pain to get the resin to saturate all layres with an acceptible ammount of resin.


However, you can do one layre and as long as it is still completely wet (hasnt relaly begun to cure) you can do another and so on but still, you dont want to get too thick our the middle and bottom layres will take forever to cure completely.

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