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How similar is SoundSplinter to Audiomobile

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Just wondering I have owned a fair portion of tc designed and built drivers and I was wondering how close the Rl-p's are to the old audiomobie evo-r's. They look and I stress look very similar don't know about your coil choice or if you use shorting rings etc. Just wondering because if this product is similar I think I will suggest everyone I know to deal with you since any of the tc product I have had is awsome product with the evo-r's being one of my favs as I have owned a pair of 15's and a 12, also along with evo 10's. All did a great job and this SS gear looks to be on the same page so it should be very good stuff. Thanks for any input

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I'll agree that I've had good experiences with all TC sourced drivers to date.

However, the differences among lines (beyond cosmetic) is in the gap tech chosen & the soft part options put together. More or less.

So, yes, assuming that You are talking about the same motor model, most of them are similar... but can yield VERY different results.



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Very true, I currently have 4 3hp's that I had built to be very similar to my old EVO-r's with a little more umph spl wise, when SDP was still working over there. Just wondered how close part selection was. I would say that on the face of it they are fairly similar but they may have some tweaks. Over all I'm very happy to see a company making a driver like this as if its an improvement over the EVO-r's it will be a very awsome driver indeed. :)

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And another major difference is Mike is a cool ass dude, Matt Overpecker on the other hand was not. I just picked up the Rl-p maybe 3 weeks ago and it is now by far one of my favorite drivers to date, its so damn musical.

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True Matt was a (well lets not go that route) anyways just looking to see if anyone has played with both drivers. I really enjoyed the EVO-r's over the years I have had them(except the waiting for a month and a half to get them). Thats why I traded SDP my PG TI Elites for the 4 15's he built me :) Anyways it looks like these SS drivers fairly similar and improved in some areas, I will be trying to pimp them out to my friends if that is the case.

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