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nightshade 15s or fi bl 15s

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i need some help. im using a sundown saz 2000 and i cant decide what subs to use. fi bl 15s or the nightshade 15s. im having a box made for which ever i decide and theyre goin in a focus hatchback....no wall tho i hear the bls are more musical . its my daily driver and ive never competed . just like loud music and people lookin at me like im nuts

Edited by willie7380

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the nightshade. bl's cant handle that much power.

edit- i just realized your getting 2 subs.

id still go with the nightshades.

Edited by iputon326

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the nightshade can handle 3kws rms. it's really made along similar lines with the BTL series from fi, not the BL. with the 2000d, excellent amp BTW, the nightshade or BTL would be a great match. IMO, if anything the Nightshade would make for a better daily driver, perhaps be alittle more musical than the BTL. the BTL IMO def. has the ability to handle more power and get louder. it's a tad more sensitive, and has a stronger motor.

that's just how each is designed, BTL more SPL oriented, and Nightshade more musically designed for high power daily driving.

of course, I've heard nightshades in systems built purely to get loud, and BTL's in systems for nothing but daily driving....

now that i've confused you, the good news there is no bad choice here, both companies build outstanding products.

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i would go with the bls so u dont have to use the bare minimum box size. you only have about 7.5 cubes in the back of a focus hatch b4 port displacement and sub displacement.

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the nightshade can handle 3kws rms. it's really made along similar lines with the BTL series from fi, not the BL. with the 2000d, excellent amp BTW, the nightshade or BTL would be a great match. IMO, if anything the Nightshade would make for a better daily driver, perhaps be alittle more musical than the BTL. the BTL IMO def. has the ability to handle more power and get louder. it's a tad more sensitive, and has a stronger motor.

that's just how each is designed, BTL more SPL oriented, and Nightshade more musically designed for high power daily driving.

of course, I've heard nightshades in systems built purely to get loud, and BTL's in systems for nothing but daily driving....

now that i've confused you, the good news there is no bad choice here, both companies build outstanding products.

BL motor is actually a shade stronger...

Just a fyi.

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the nightshade can handle 3kws rms. it's really made along similar lines with the BTL series from fi, not the BL. with the 2000d, excellent amp BTW, the nightshade or BTL would be a great match. IMO, if anything the Nightshade would make for a better daily driver, perhaps be alittle more musical than the BTL. the BTL IMO def. has the ability to handle more power and get louder. it's a tad more sensitive, and has a stronger motor.

that's just how each is designed, BTL more SPL oriented, and Nightshade more musically designed for high power daily driving.

of course, I've heard nightshades in systems built purely to get loud, and BTL's in systems for nothing but daily driving....

now that i've confused you, the good news there is no bad choice here, both companies build outstanding products.

BL motor is actually a shade stronger...

Just a fyi.

That's What I Was Thinking, The Nightshade Is Similar To The BL In Their Lineup. Don't Know How He Figured That It Was Similar To A BTL. (Just Like When Some People Thought The XCON Was A BTL Equivalent.)

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the nightshade can handle 3kws rms. it's really made along similar lines with the BTL series from fi, not the BL. with the 2000d, excellent amp BTW, the nightshade or BTL would be a great match. IMO, if anything the Nightshade would make for a better daily driver, perhaps be alittle more musical than the BTL. the BTL IMO def. has the ability to handle more power and get louder. it's a tad more sensitive, and has a stronger motor.

that's just how each is designed, BTL more SPL oriented, and Nightshade more musically designed for high power daily driving.

of course, I've heard nightshades in systems built purely to get loud, and BTL's in systems for nothing but daily driving....

now that i've confused you, the good news there is no bad choice here, both companies build outstanding products.

BL motor is actually a shade stronger...

Just a fyi.

That's What I Was Thinking, The Nightshade Is Similar To The BL In Their Lineup. Don't Know How He Figured That It Was Similar To A BTL. (Just Like When Some People Thought The XCON Was A BTL Equivalent.)

Nick, you are right, correct wording is higher motor force, or BL. I still stand by the NS being used more in similar applications as the BTL, not the BL. That is not just my own opinion. There was much discussion of this on the Sundown forums when the woofer was first released.

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I would go with the fi bls over the nightshades if I were you. The nightshades are a lot more money and you will not be able to use and abuse them like they were designed for with a 2kw amp. You might want to look into two of the ssa icon 15s. They are rated at 1k rms each and in my opinion sound incredible. I had 4 of them in my car and they burried lows off a rf t40001bd amp.

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