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john denver

Need suggestions

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Need suggestions on bracing for this box. Would a single 4x4 in the center of this box be enough bracing for top to bottom. I haven't added bracing from side to side or front to back yet. Total top width is just over 52 and bottom is just over 41 wide 38 deep and 18 tall designed for 4 12's

Edited by john denver

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Depends on your goals. Really impossible to answer with the information given.

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the info in your sig says 4 8"s and a 1000d..... the box is for 4 12"s.............

off the same amp?

what subs?

if one is to assume you are upgradeing your amp / sub combo, the assumtion would have to follow that if braceing is a issue to you, it is a more powerfull set-up, so the braceing to prevent flexing.....one is to assume....

so in the drafted pic it shows one single baffle...... sorta thin for 4 12"s needing internal braceing

the sides being how they are portrayed in the pic should be rather strong at 18"s tall.

it will help out if you specify all of the equipment you will be installing pertaining to you sub stage....

what are your goals music wise....

i dont see any port, is this 4 12"s sealed.....

i sorta see something on top of the box in the middle at the front face.....is that a port?

if it is ported, your port very well could add some braceing...

looking forward to your updated post.....


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The ideas i have are either 4- LVL 4 Or icons Or HDC's Havent really decided so power would be to match those subs that is ported. Port firing up so it would add some bracing to that side was mainly wondering about the two side as they go out further would be right over the wheel wells. As pictured it is 1.5 thick all around would you suggest another layer on top to make it 2.25 thick. Looking for just loud daily and to take up enough room that everyone stops asking me to help them move. With upgraded electrical of course. With that height it keeps me under the back headrest and takes up pretty much the whole back cargo area before the bracing and port its something like 13 cubes.

And thanks for your input guys

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