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Using Line Driver for Bassrace or Driveby

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So, after doin some lookin at line drivers, it seems they are worthless to use if the goal is to achieve higher SPL for burps but... i have another goal.

When i do bassrace or driveby, or longterm musical playback at non-sanctioned shows, i run in a fully clipped signal because my 7,000w still isnt enough for the subs i'm running...

I have a 4v preout ran to 2 sub amps and 1 Sundown 100.4.

I was curious if i were to ever add a line driver and boost the signal up a little bit(amps accept up to 8v) if i could lower the gain in hopes to prevent the coils from heating up as quick?

I can burp all day long and the coils stay cool but when i run in bassrace, etc, the coils tend to heat up due to the clipped signal and am wondering if a line driver could fix this so i could run clean with the same amount of output power so i don't risk damaging the subs during competition.

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Low rca voltage and high gain setting is the same deal as a high rca voltage and low gain setting.

You will NOT obtain cleaner output power with a line driver. You will only obtain the same power and use a lower gain setting.

With the gain you simply match the rca voltage to the voltage of the amps pre-amp input section.

This is as noobish as saying 50% gain setting = 50% power output.

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Yea i see. My remote gain control is set to clip at half volume so i have plenty of gain left for burps.

Well, still pointless for this use to then...

I must add more power to my install then...

Thinkin about bumpin up to 13,000w next and see where that takes me.

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