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Need some help with BTL questions and recone.

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Okay, here it goes. Please dont flame me. I tried searching and read through a bunch of posts before making my own thread.

I have 2 BTL 15" 3 stack that I bought used and they are supposed to be fully loaded. One is pretty beat up so I decided a recone was in order soon. I got them cheap so I wasnt concerned and I knew they could be reconed. I had these 2 subs in my 95 grand marquis on 2 mmats 2100.1. I have 220 amp alt. Big 3 0ga and an Optima yellow top. The box was a little on the small side. I dont have the exact specs but it doesn't matter..... I was driving my car minding my own business when some dumbass with a dodge dakota towing a 27' camper decide he wants to change lanes and didn't see another car. He ended up jacknifing his truck and trailer smacking into me at 70+ MPH. So needless to say I dont have the marquis anymore.

My new vehicle has a smaller trunk. Its a 1997 Lincoln Mark VIII. Its the same size as a Ford Thunderbird.

My thought was to recone only one of my subs to dual 1's so I can build a good size box and still use both amps. I ordered the recone kit on 09/27 but relized I may have screwed up. My subs may not be universal.

I sent an email but still no response so here are my questions.

Is there any way to find out if they are universal? I have never done a recone but I have been in car audio since 1994. Should I try to do it myself? Does the recone come with the black rubber ring that goes around the outside edge of the sub where the screws go? If not, where can I get one?

Thanks in advance!!!!

BTW - These subs kick ass!!!! Keep up the good work!!!! clap.gif

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As far as I can remember they should be universal, I believe you would chose when you order your recone kit.

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