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Ascendant audio havocs

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Brian, a member here is an Ascendant dealer. If you are not located near shop that sells Ascendant, he can help you. As for amp, that all depends on your budget, needs from amp, and what you have electrical wise to support it. I don't suggest spending good money on great sub woofers like the Havoc's and going cheap on an amp. It would be better, IMO, if you got a single Havoc, or went with a pair of lesser expensive sub woofers and be able to put a few dollars more towards a half decent amplifier.

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  On 10/1/2009 at 3:50 AM, jcohen258 said:

How much would two Havoc 12s run me? And what would the best amp for my money be if i do end up getting them?

Can we get some more info and goals, please read noob posting guidelines. Information like what you gave us will yield in no answers or nothing that can help you.

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Alright well originally I thought i was going to have a budget of about 1,500-2,000. But after doing a lot more research and looking around i've determined that i'd rather pay a little bit more money and get nicer equipment because if i go cheap i'm just going to end up upgrading later anyways. Basically i'm looking for a loud spl system. I'm either going to go with one 15 or two 12s. I'm leaning towards the two 12s but my options are pretty much open.

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Me and you are basically in the same boat, Im trying to make that decision myself between 2-12"s and 1-15". Ive never had a 15" sub before and want one but dont want that to be my reason for buying one. Like they say more cone area + more motor force = louder in some cases but what happens when you get a monster 15" does that same equation still hold. Hopefully we can get this answered together.

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You can't receive any help if you don't tell us about your budget , the room available for your box, and your electrical system.

Personaly, I like 15" sub, but they need big boxes.

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