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Copied from earlier post below by Shizzzon.

quick answer-

A cap will discharge EVERYTHING in it's bank when a rush of current is requested...

A battery will compensate for the current requested when the alternator can't or the regulator doesn't react fast enough.

If you could.. try and imagine your battery going completely dead then back to recharging every other few seconds?!?! You can't imagine that at all..

So, you got your alt, a big battery bank and a big ass cap-

The cap will ALWAYS be getting drained and recharged all the time...

What's recharging it? The alternator... When it's doing that, it's providing less power to the audio system which results in more voltage drop because the battery(ies) must compensate more...

Now, when the batts are being used more... every split second when when there is no demand for current, the alt must charge the batts back up too!!!

Keep playin music like that... your voltage will continue to drop and drop....

That's why caps are BAD!

They were even tested in a comp setup for power draw... IF a cap can disperse current quicker.. it should provide the amp with more power...

A 600w amp was tested.. using a cap suited for the amp, the amp only outputted an additional 3w! 3 WATTS!

Wow.... at that rate... u can just give me your money if u plan on blowing it..

Caps are useless period.

After reading the above post I have come to the conclusion that you don't know what you are talking about and I urge others to take your thoughts on this issue with a grain of salt. I'm not here to question the merits of batteries or caps, they really are completely different animals and have their own place in a car audio system. Just pointing out your flawed reasoning and obvious lack of knowledge regarding electronics/electricity.

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ok, i'm completely retarded..

the topic battery or cap.. Go buy you a large bank of caps and a very good high output alternator...don't bother on buying any extra batteries, hell who needs those anyway.

Topic clearly states battery or cap.. it seems a cap is the way to go apparently...

Even tests i mentioned must be wrong...

I need to pull all my XS batts out of my car and start runnin pure caps because whenever a thread like this is brought up... a cap is suppose to be used as an addon, not a replacement but i guess i'm wrong there too.

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why would you post something like this? tirefryr already corrected shizzzon? in my opinion there was no reason to do more bashing to him? haven't you ever been wrong before? this is almost child-ish/hateful. grow up everyone makes mistakes no need to call him out on it again. no need to call someone dumb.

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Copied from earlier post below by Shizzzon.

After reading the above post I have come to the conclusion that you don't know what you are talking about and I urge others to take your thoughts on this issue with a grain of salt. I'm not here to question the merits of batteries or caps, they really are completely different animals and have their own place in a car audio system. Just pointing out your flawed reasoning and obvious lack of knowledge regarding electronics/electricity.

Shizzzon is very knowledgable when it comes to 12 volt tech. Me being a tech myself, and after reading the first thread on this topic, CAPS ARE NO GOOD!!! and for you to tell him that he knows nothing about electrical shows how much you know about this type of stuff. even after the [b]PROVEN TESTS about caps vs. batteries, you still bash Shizzzon about this. You might as well bash everyone else that replied to that first topic then if you feel that way.


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for sure man shizzzon has always been a nice guy to me and quite helpful! we aren't in grade school any more and we don't call ppl out to the flag poll any more either!

grow up!

Edited by CrazyKenKid

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Copied from earlier post below by Shizzzon.

quick answer-

A cap will discharge EVERYTHING in it's bank when a rush of current is requested...

A battery will compensate for the current requested when the alternator can't or the regulator doesn't react fast enough.

If you could.. try and imagine your battery going completely dead then back to recharging every other few seconds?!?! You can't imagine that at all..

So, you got your alt, a big battery bank and a big ass cap-

The cap will ALWAYS be getting drained and recharged all the time...

What's recharging it? The alternator... When it's doing that, it's providing less power to the audio system which results in more voltage drop because the battery(ies) must compensate more...

Now, when the batts are being used more... every split second when when there is no demand for current, the alt must charge the batts back up too!!!

Keep playin music like that... your voltage will continue to drop and drop....

That's why caps are BAD!

They were even tested in a comp setup for power draw... IF a cap can disperse current quicker.. it should provide the amp with more power...

A 600w amp was tested.. using a cap suited for the amp, the amp only outputted an additional 3w! 3 WATTS!

Wow.... at that rate... u can just give me your money if u plan on blowing it..

Caps are useless period.

After reading the above post I have come to the conclusion that you don't know what you are talking about and I urge others to take your thoughts on this issue with a grain of salt. I'm not here to question the merits of batteries or caps, they really are completely different animals and have their own place in a car audio system. Just pointing out your flawed reasoning and obvious lack of knowledge regarding electronics/electricity.

Are you serious? You made a thread for this?

This was covered and over and done in the other thread. Now YOU come onto the board and do some stupid shit like this?

What makes it really bad is you come in and give you opinion with nothing to back up your opinion. At least Shizzon has the passion and desire to try to learn and explain why he feels he's right.

Guess how this thread's going to go. . . . . .

3 posts and you want to try and start some bullshit.

Respect is EARNED around here buddy and you're not doing much to help yourself.

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