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Experience with RE Audio SRX or SR series?

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Anyone have experience with RE's SR/SRX lineup? Ready to order sub(s), but have come to a fork in the road:

Multiple good subs vs one stronger sub of equal build quality. From what I've researched I could probably feed the SRX's 500w (<600w) a piece just fine; though they're 300rms rated.

My thoughts:

Wanted to stay under/around the $300 mark for the sub(s) and ~1kw of pow-a. Budget-"ish" build.

Could have more cone area and better cooling w/ two subs on equal wattage.

A single Q 18 seems loud and clear enough on it's own, from what I gather.

I have no 150db targets or some ~ish :shrug: not competing just knocking music.

Big truck = big subs in my head. 15"+

Other factors:

Ported box design

Space is not an issue, full-size SUV, 3rd row removed.

SQ is important to me, I see brutality as a trait... albeit, a very good one, ;)

I dig the lows, that the Q is quite known for.

Gather the SRX perfect nothing, yet fail at nothing either.. idk.

Any research, experience, or just general opinion is greatly appreciated. It'll help me complete or at least add to my research. Thanks in advance.

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Nevamind :) I found a nifty little fact to use on a response graph to compare one sub vs multiple. By doubling the vas, cone area, and accounting for the overall power to the dual install...I can account for two subs and have a graphed comparison to whatever I want.

Just FYI for random knowledge - The SPL output/response curve of 2 SRX 15's is significantly close to the Q, though the Q's shaping has an insignificant advantage of <1db between 40-30hz. Also above 50hz the SRx's are increasing louder. (same port tuning compared)

Research complete.


Edited by Khymera-B

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I did not see what you were going for or your goals... ??

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I did not see what you were going for or your goals... ??

Yeah after coming back and reading my post today, I kinda started thinking that I might not have really made that too clear. I kinda moreso wanted to hear experiences with the SR's.

But I've narrowed my goals to:

Target 1kw of power

<~$300 on the sub(s)

(2)15" or (1)18"

Target 6-8^3ft @ 28-32hz tuning

Sound preference, hmmm... I'm looking for accurate sound within those preferences. Something that will blend w/ the front stage easily. I listen to lots of deep bass rap, but SPL really isn't the target as much as a fairly quick/accurate woofer(s), considering the $ target I've accepted any trade-offs.

Hope that explains what I was getting at a little better...I think I was drinking again.


Edited by Khymera-B

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I had trouble selling the sr/srx subs in our shop due to the fact that we offer louder smaller subs for a better price.. They do sound great, just louder out there for the money! I was mostly surprised how much sound from the looks of the stamped basket.

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I know what you mean, I put a REX in the wifes car, and it does almost look cheap as hell from the back of the sub, but it actually sounds pretty damn good, and gets pretty loud for a sub I got for 65 bucks shipped.

its pretty tough too, rated at 175 watts, and I set the gain by ear and then left while the wife listened to it daily for over 3 weeks, cam home and used a DMM playing music and I was giving it over 300 watts. (25-26 volts peak into 2 ohms, think I did the math right.)

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Yeah that cap does look cheap, lol. I'm thinking multiple Dcon's or an Icon would actually be a better option in that power range. Extremely punchy in the proper box (love that)...starting to accept the fact that 10's and 12's sound great regardless of the vehicle, even a good single 15. Feel like I'm limiting myself in this design. I could also give myself some ^3ft back by not needing so much, like re-targeting for 4 to 5^3ft.

I did read the Great 12 Challenge (ROE) on the SR. Pretty informative. There was also another UK test. Not too much consumer review out due to better options being available at most turns, but seems to be a decent sub all said and done.

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