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solo x OR ???

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Oh, and a box out of marble, ROFL.

Yep, our state hes held quite a few records in MECA over the past several years.

That install that was done out of marble burped over a 156 with a single sub. That's still yet to be beaten in this state.

2 other competitors, friends of mine, just took state and hopefully world record coming up with the loudest Amateur Street division vehicle out there..

State record was awarded to one of them for being able to burp a 147.3 on music with the vehicle OFF using a single battery and 1 15 non walled off of a 20A fuse!

We've been doin some pretty good scores here recently.

I can go on about others but we've got a lot of knowledge people in this area.

The marble design was interesting to say the least. Of course it wasn't meant for a daily setup as was stated earlier but was definitely an interesting build.. Took every bit if that material to get that record and still holds it here.

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