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Has anyone heard both the xcon 18 as well as the fi btl 18? I am really wanting to try out another sub besides the BTL. I am considering ssa and dc at the moment.

Any input would be appreciated.

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Obviously the X-con wont be as loud as the BTLs but if your looking for some some seriously amazing authority, sq and low end like no other they my be a good option for you. If your looking for more SPL its gonna be hard there isnt much better than BTLs in my opinion. Wardens would cut the cake but at that price tag its hard for anyone. DC lvl5s are seriously nasty as well. Real question would be are you wanting more SQ or SPL than what you have?

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I would have to give the XCON my vote! SSA ftw!


But seriously, I hope you are not looking to do a straight drop in of an Xcon. The Xcon is a different driver that cannot handle BTL power, and wants a different box and tuning.

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I am going to redo everything in my "christmas" build, therefore I would be building a box to meet the needs of whatever sub I got. I love my BTL, I just would like to try something else. But I hate to spend ~500-600 bucks just to "try" something. :)

Thanks for your input. I have failed for 2 weeks in trying to get ahold of Rusty @ DC electronically. Guess I'll try and call sometime this afternoon.

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