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Bed Liner

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hey whats up guys i have seen on the internet and on a few forums people using bedliner as a sound deadener does it work and has anyone had any good or bad experiences from it

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okay, first off it is like alot of things, who applies it and how, results in different levels of satisfaction.........

i have seen it used quite a bit as a ornamental application, as a alternitive to carpet or other finishes. so it has that industrial look sort of.

in your post you asked about it as a sound deadner, so i am assuming you are refering to useing it on body panels to reduce or eliminate flexing.

i was at the fairground over the summer and a bedliner company had a alumunim soda pop can with about an 1/8th" layer of their bed liner on it, as they seen you pick it up, you was encouraged to crush it, bend it , squeeze it, whatever, so i tried. no results, i mean no budging it. so as they laughed at my zero results, i grinned back at them and then *WHAM* i slammed the sh*t of it on the side of there table, ftl, i failed ,hardly even what i would call a indentation resulted, so i say this to say if you are wanting to reduce or stop flexing, and quit the roadnoise down, yeah it can work great.

to use it on the inside of a box, no, not smooth, no good, to use it outside the box, looks badass and under the right blow-through install, would add weather proofing....if you plan on buying rattle cans, use it only for impossible to reach places for touch up, if you are going to roll on, do all your prep work and work them layers. if you want to spray it, once again, lots of prep work and multiple layers. ......

uh the guy we talked to said he would do the trunk of the 77 cougar for $400 bucks, just as tough as the can, color matching the car(red), that is with us gutting everything out and cleaning it as good as possible, if no color, just black, price would drop quite a bit.... food for thought if you do want a certain color, talk to them and have your name on a list, when they have a red truck bed come up, show up and get trunk done while red is still in the gun.

oh, my bad experiance would be the rattle cans, not much use for what i wanted to acheive. only added some texture to say the most.

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