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Excellent thumping!

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Have spent some time in my car, tuning frequencys and adding/removing sheep wool from my 1"cuft box now.

And the result is outstanding from what I can hear.

The tight snap from the D2 really compliments the sound from my BA PRO 4.5 & 6.5 components.

Slammed in Eric Claptons "best of" cd, listened to some Metallica, Korn, Toccata & fugua and a lot of other stuff.

The only conclusion I can come up with is that this is by far the cleanest thing I've had in my trunk;

I borrowed a sealed RF 2112 and hooked it up, and man what a difference in sound in comparison to the D2, blurry and with no thump. The Kappa Perfect I tried next sounded much better than the RF, but couldn't touch the clean sound from the D2.

I know a couple of guys here who compete within SQ/LSQ applications that will be impressed after testing this puppy next month.

The only thing is my amp; 1x530W@4 ohm 0,03THD 20\20000Hz, damping factor >500.

Might concider a better amp. Wether it will be a Brax, Zapco comp, BA, Tru or something else remains to be seen.

This sub deserves a good amp with high damping factor!

Great job nick!

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