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Nightshade 12" 6th order bandpass

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Hello Enlosure Guru's,

I would like to seek your opinion, I would like to build a box for nightshade 12" 6th order bandpass. Please see below information using 3/4 mdf with no bracing support.

Number of driver = 1

FS = 41 hz

QTS = .44

VAS = .413 cubic feet

Rear Chamber

Net Volume = .96 Cubic feet

Tuning = 37 hz

Rear chamber depth = 10 "

Front Chamber

Net Volume = 1.16 Cubic feet

Tuning = 74.7 Hz

Box Dimension



Depth = 14"

Thank you in advance.

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not sure how that models out but the outcome depends on the loading environment.

6th orders aren't necessarily first time success builds

I know that 6th order are not easy to build. :)

What do you mean loading environment?

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box is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to small for a 6th order 4th order u can do but not 6th order


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box is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to small for a 6th order 4th order u can do but not 6th order



Can you give me a hint what will be the average front and rear chamber volume for 6th order so I can adjust my box dimension.

Thank you

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Can somebody please verify, that this sub are not built to be house in a 6th order bandpass? because of its T/S parameter (FS=41Hz, Qts=.44 & VAS=11.7L or .413 cu.ft) stating that it requires only a very small amount of volume?

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there is no "average" sized chamber as there are no one size fits all prefab enclosures.

each chamber and tuning frequencies are specific to the driver and install.

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