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Hey I'm just wondering when you guys swithced from one big magnet to 4 pie shapped magnet like on the new RE XXX's? Is thier any increase in power handling, and is thier anything internaly diff with them? Can they be ran with another new BTL that has the old style single magnet? Heres some pics not my sub I seen it on another forum. I remember some subs having pie shapped wedges between the basket and motor was that the cooling before and you switched to this or was that just a spacer for more excursion because some times i seen them on them and some times i dont.




Edited by negative3five

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Nothing different..there isn't any cooling gaps or anything in between the slugs. We just elected to do the 4 piece slugs. It is actually a different tooling than the XXX is. The XXX is designed to have gaps inbetween the magnets.

Those slugs and the older single slug motors are fine to work together, there isn't that much of a difference. But we've been building them that way for nearly a year now...

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