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Fi audio BL when will it fail?

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im just curious will a 12" BL fail thermally or mechanically first? cause it takes the 1800 watts i throw at it at comps like a champ, but im not sure if im hurting it mechanically? the signal is clean and everything, i use a oscope to set gains and to monitor the signal every so often, and i use a DMM to find out how many watts im putting to it. so i just want to know, cause im sure you guys did some fail tests... right?


Anton Miller

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It will fail when you do something wrong that causes it to fail. If you don't do anything to damage it, it'll run forever in theory.

One can't say 'when' it will fail, it depends on if you are causing damage to it in some way, if so, then yes it will fail. If not then no, it shouldn't fail.

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It'l fail when it breaks ;).


You won't have problems with that amount of power if you aren't silly with the knobs.

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For subwoofers in general, they will reach mechanical limits first <40hz and thermal limits first >40hz. Of course that's a generalization and it all depends on your application and install. Just use your head and you won't have to find out.

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yea i dont use boost on the head unit or on the amp, and the amp has a set ssf at 28 hz with my box tuned to 34 hz, it doesnt bottom out on low notes, its the 40 and up notes that it gets ALOT of excursion on. i guess im just worried and also curious if i could put the 1800 to use daily?

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Just put as much power on it as it can take without smelling funny or sounding funny. Nobody can tell you that it will handle exactly 1476 watts.

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ok, ill just have to see how the sub reacts to this power, if it blows ill post it up here to not do that. lol

itll give me an excuse to get a BTL.

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