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90 Mazda debut

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making the debut show this weekend at elite audio meca sc state sound fest. 1 ns 12 and saz-2000 in a mazda ext cab.

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Need more info on your setup to offer any real advice but here we go

1) You need more port (area)

2) Tune 4/5hz bellow the peak of your car

3) If you can use aeros rather than slot ports, if not make sure your slot is rounded at both ends to help the dbzzz get out lol

4) you need more power, say another 2000 strapped

SPL is simply trial and error, not a bad score though

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If the box is linear and musical that's a very respectable #. If you want a big number tune high, huge aero-port and more power. (I'd suggest building a whole separate box for that since the box that'll get you high 140's will not sound nice with music)

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more about it. the box is 1.5 net with 24sqin port 24.5 long. saz-2000 on one ns12. i have to play music engine off. one extra 1500ca battery near the sub amp short run 85 amps fusing. im going to Georgia state sound fest with miner changes maybe some wiring upgrades limp my way to worlds just for the experience. and learn what i can.

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