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Lucky 76

Which provides more power linking or individual?

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I purchased 4 saz1500 amps. I have not purchased my subs yet. Would it be better to run an amp to each sub individually or link 2 amps together and run them to 2 subs each? I planned on buying a mlx-100 so signal loss will not be a problem.

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Which would be more efficient then? I would imagine individual correct?

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Also if I were to run individual would the mlx-100 be worth while?

depends on a few things.

when i installed my MLX100, i was as happy as ever, but it had a bad ground noise, and i wasnt sure why, so i never got to test myself for a noticable difference, but i did read that people gained .5 db or more which is awesome.

but i have 4 amps on 2 subs, and i used to run strapped, and i noticed a huge gain in sq when i ran one amp per coil over 2 ampes strapped per sub, and the spl of the system also gained about 7 10ths......but that may be due to the gain matching of the amps,

so basically i was no help at all.

it really depends on what voice coil configuration you end up getting,......get the wrong one, and strapping may save you.....

How many subs are you getting?

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4. I havent ordered them yet that is why I am wondering if I should go strapped or unstrapped.

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I think I am going to get dual 2 ohm that way I can run each at 1 ohm and they will be easier to sell when I want to get rid of them.

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