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SHURiKEN batteries

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Has anyone messed with the SHURiKEN SK-BT120 batteries? it says it 120 AH and 2600 cranking amps an AGM for 270.00 to good to be true? i know Sonic Electronix is good, seeing how i've dealed with them before. but the battery is what im worried about.


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it might float lower.

I've noticed cheaper priced batts like kinetik and deka intimidators float slightly lower than more expensive batts do.

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no, hehe, most agms float between 12.8-13.2v

I know XS powermasters float around 13.1v because i use them.

I've seen both Kinetik and Deka's only float at 12.8-12.9v.

This is with car off.

Point being is this-

The higher the float, the higher your voltage will be if your alternator runs out of juice. Also, it's apparent that because they float higher, they got more reserve in them...

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well that's basically what i meant like in general haha

Ah i see. I mean for 120 ah for 270 is pretty nice, it was either this or one of the larger PowerMasters such as the d2400 then replace the front bat.

Edited by Julian

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the D3100 is 117aH, slightly higher float, their forum is on this site, very nice company and goes for $330 shipped

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That's not bad.. hmm im going to be throwing tooo much money into this setup :(

1/0 wire, Sundown 3kd two 12 inch AA Havocs

ill probably go with 3 batteries in total replace the front two in back, a new HO alt.

thousands haha

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i spent a few thousand on 2 12s and 2 aq2200ds bout a year ago...

If u wanna save some money, don't replace your starting battery if there's nothin wrong with it.

For people on a tight budget, i'd do the following-

Stock battery, DC Power alternator, Deka intimidator in the back, 2 dekas in the back if u got more than just that sundown back there.

2 dekas = $360 = 200aH

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I have a Alpine MRP-F300 for the fill

How big of an alt should i get? it has a 100 amp in it, where can i buy the dekas from? and how many amp hours should i have for the 3kd?

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u will need 2 deka intimidators. There model number is 9A31.

You will need a 250A alternator preferrably.

A 200A will work but not for yearly long term use every day u jam on it.

You will have to give the alt a break every now and then.

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Sounds good, do you know the optimum enclosure size for two 12 inch havocs and what to tune it to?

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