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noise from my Pioneer deh 88 prs2

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I have a bad noise only when I play with the engine running.

I was trying to unhook the sub from the amp, but I start to unscrew it with the sound playing ! :( my bad :(

Something went wrong, I think the tool touched something wrong and I suddenly heard a bad "electric" noise.

Now, when my system play withe engine off : no problem!

Engine on : I can hear a sort of alternator noise if I don't crank it up. I can hear the noise of the direction lights in the front speakers!

If I take off the rca's': no noise.

I checked the grounds: no problem.

I tried other rca's : same noise.

It seems that the problem is coming from the hu : what do you think about that?

I did not try another h u, so, I am not sure what to do.

I'm waiting for your advices.


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Sounds like you may have blown the pico fuse on it. Take the deck out, unconnect all the RCAs put your DMM on the continuity test. Touch the outer connection of the rca with one of the leads and the ground with the other lead. If you get the sound for continuity then the fuse is good no sound then you blew the fuse.

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I will try to do that.

Is it easy to replace this pico fuse? (For a real electronics repair guy!)

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To replace the fuse you would have to open the deck up and solder surface mount parts to and from the board. I believe the part is the size of about half a pinky nail. There is somewhat of a fix of wrapping wire around the outer connector and grounding it to the chassis to take the noise away.

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pioneer only an asshole would fuse a ground

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I finally did it !!!

I took all the rca's and put a wire (on their neg) to the ground.

It was easy to do; I did not have to take the hu out, only the dash!

Now, the noise is still there, but you can only hear it at low volume with the engine on. And it is not loud at all. I like it like that!!!

It's just a bandaid, not a professional repair thing, but it's good enough for me!!! I am really happy. This noise was disturbing me a lot. :(

Thanks to you all.

I must admit that I did it myself because I saw some pics of this "operation" on another forum, after a google search.

I am not a manual guy, and the pics did help me a lot. I can't remember where I saw them, but it could be helpful to others.

Sorry , I did not take pics myself, I will try to do it another time.

Thanks again.

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