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So earlyer this summer my kicker 650.4 got a little hot and burnt up. I was a Electrical Engineering student for 2 years so I know a little about the specific components in an amp. I took it apart and saw that it was a piece I haven't worked with before and about 10 of the same one fried.

This is a picture from ROE(the amp guts section). I had my friend take close ups that I'll try to post tomorrow but he is having problems with his camera so not sure. Hopefully one of you guys can tell me what these are and if i'd be able to replace them. They are the first 4 black pieces under the metal on top and bottom and maybe 3 on the next sets of 3.




Edited by clifford3030

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hard for me to tell in that pic but it looks like your saying the FETs are burnt out. I wouldn't be able to say of you can fix them as I don't know your skill set, but if you can't I'd send it to db-r he does great work, has great customer service and he usually sends them out stronger then the day they were built. Good luck either way.

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I don't mean to be rude, 2 years after studying EE and you call mosfets 'black pieces' ?

I'd just send it in to repairs. Usually there are some other things that go along with the mosfets.

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for some odd reason, i am thinking that if the mosfets go, aren't those normally the last thing on the board to go? so there will be more issue then just a mosfet replacement job? but i could be wrong and i am sure someone on here knows amps MUCH better then i do and what happens when the mosfet go!

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Do they have a part number on them ? they should, just buy new ones and replace them not that hard.

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