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Aaron Clinton

Kicker Amplifer Dampening Factor Figures

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I want to thank Polecat for researching this for me even though he is very busy. I was curioius about the figures since they were not posted on their website.


here is what he just emailed me with:

KX 100.2 141

KX 150.2 370

KX 200.2 401

KX 250.2 225

KX 350.2 359

KX 450.2 245

KX 550.2 539

KX 850.2 303

KX 200.4 223

KX 350.4 148

KX 650.4 140

KX 550.3 132/ 97

KX 700.5 110/ 174

KX 400.1 105

KX 600.1 70

KX 1200.1 72

KX 2500.1 60

SX 400.2 210

SX 500.2 140

SX 600.2 158

SX 900.2 293

SX 700.4 217

SX 900.4 828

SX 650.1 83

SX 1250.1 183

These are all taken at 4 Ohms

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im not entirely sure what that means but sweet!

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DAMPING FACTOR: the higher the DF the better, it will help pervent hangover.

hangover is when the subs cone moves up and comes back down but the cone will vibrate tell it reaches full rest. (not good for SQ)

this can make the sound of the sub sound booming.

so anything around 150 is good.

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My 700.5 has a 174 on the sub channel!! :woot:

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DAMPING FACTOR: the higher the DF the better, it will help pervent hangover.

hangover is when the subs cone moves up and comes back down but the cone will vibrate tell it reaches full rest. (not good for SQ)

this can make the sound of the sub sound booming.

so anything around 150 is good.

good thing my 2000X has a damping factor of 800

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DAMPING FACTOR: the higher the DF the better, it will help pervent hangover.

hangover is when the subs cone moves up and comes back down but the cone will vibrate tell it reaches full rest. (not good for SQ)

this can make the sound of the sub sound booming.

so anything around 150 is good.

good thing my 2000X has a damping factor of 800


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IMO, DF factors are useless unless you know how they came about the number. It's like power ratings in essence. There are a number of ways to test power and the same is true for the DF. Ever wonder how you can see an amp with a damping factor of 80, then a similar one of 1000? How can there be such a large difference? Rating games. Who does it properly? Who does it correctly? In fact, what IS the correct way to determine this spec? I'm sure there are many arguments for this.

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