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Single Sub solution for Integra

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I had planned on getting a caprice but I don't think that is gonna happen any more so I am stuck with my existing car, a 95 Acura Integra. So I plan on getting a new sub but only one. And I want to use my existing amp, a Viper 2500.1 (1500x1@4ohms or 2500x1@2ohms), well because I have it and I don't want it sitting collecting dust. So I am looking for a single sub that will hump like two and take massive amounts of power. And to make it even more difficult, one that will operate at one of the above ohmages. And I do not have a problem setting gains really really low to compensate for a woofer that can't take as much power as I have. New or old.

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Have you put anything in ths car yet ?

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Adire Audio Brahma

Resonant Engineering XXX

" " MT

TC sounds Uberwoofer

Ascendant Audio Avalaunch

Incriminatior Audio Death Penalty

Stereo Integrity MAG

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Adire Audio Brahma

Resonant Engineering XXX

"            "                MT

Incriminatior Audio Death Penalty


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soundsplinter rl-p (if there is an extra d2)

soundsplinter rl-s (when they come out)

solo x 10 or 12 (yep, can be quite musical and they aren't much more then any of the above listed subs except the rl-p and ava)

a pair of soundsplinter rl-i 10's or 4 rl-i8's (i know u said one sub, but these work well in small enclosures)

memphis mojo

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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since I don't know exactly the sound you are going for I will through out some radom ideas;

the Mag should love that 1500, so would the RL-p, if your careful with it an Orion H2 could fill the void also (small box), a Crystal COMPx2 would laugh at that power,

I have not heard personally but would be willing to give the Avalanche a chance with that amp, and I have heard a few great things about Incriminator and I know that the DP's can take that amp

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I currently have a single JL Audio 10w6 v1 getting about 350 watts and it is not nearly enough. I have heard 2-12" L7's in a teg and that was good but too much upper bass and not enough low low end.

Adire Brahma is out for making some guy wait over 6 months for a recone (they should have given him a new one)

RE XXX & MT are out because they need too much space and I will only have at most 3 cube total not including port area if I were to even entertain ported, really at this point I am looking at sealed.

TC Uber is too hard to find and I was seeing mention of 4-4.5 cube boxes, not to mention the vc config is not right for my needs

AA Avalanche is too weak and does not strike me as a whoop 2 with 1 solution, although I have no experience with them they just do not exude confidence, not to mention the fact that I am still awaiting a reply to an email sent several months ago.

IA DP...well just seems like I can do better for the money...

SI's new mag is a possibility but I am unsure of box req's and for $500 I think I'd rather have an SS RL-s.

SS RL-s is definately a possibilty but again box req's have me concerned.

SS RL-i 10's or 8's, well I am pretty sure I would need a new amp to run these not to mention quite a few to equal output of a single 15 or 12.

Memphis mojo, I'll have to check it out....

H2's have me scared because of that guy at CA.com that has killed like 6 of them.

The Crytal Comp is one I have never heard of so I will check it out too.

What about older woofs? jugernaut? Shocker? ????

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First off, the new D2s will be less than $500.

Why don't you try venting the W6 first off. They are great woofers and even with low power, a vented enclosure should be more than enough for that particular vehicle.

Work with what you have first and if that does not satisfy you, then you can upgrade. I'm a big fan of trying to get the best sound with the least amount of power. It's better for the equipment and easier for the budget and elctrical system.

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x2 ^

From the little experience me and supa_c have had with Integras, its best to try and maximize what you have first, then upgrade.

A good install is primary to good equipment.

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Its gotta be a 12" that can handle 2500w all day. Not many can do that.

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It also does 1500W ;)

There are a few subs out there that can do 1500

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Also keep in mind, the driver will probably never see the full output, nor will the amp likely produce it.

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Impedance is going to have as much impact in a sealed app. The musical signal going to the amp is going to be the big determining factor here. With tones, he'll be close to producing max power, but with the varying music, it's never constant.

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SHocker Sig too

SoloX was mentioned I think

So at this point because of space allowed.. your definitely going sealed?

I don't even know if you started to consider this, but running that full 2500 is going to be a PITA. Your going to have to run all kinds of electrical upgrades. Why not look into a smaller amp? then you could go with something more musical like a shiva or an RE SE or a Li, or many many others. I'm sure you can get enough out of that amp to get a good 1000 watter or something similar. Hell, used ARC's go for under 400.

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I don't ever intend to turn it all the way up. I like to have headroom so that nothing is stressed. I am also trying to keep it at the 1500 range rather than the 2500 range. I had intended this amp for a 9C1 caprice which comes stock with a 150amp alternator and then I was gonna get a nice batt and call it a day.

But now I may just shelve the viper til next year and run my boltar for bass. The boltar would give me 700x1@4Ohms. So now the quesiton changes to if you had 700 watts at 4Ohms and a limited space of 3 cube total would you run a single 12 ported or a single 15 sealed? Then with 700 watts, which brand?

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I'd vent the JL first, then go from there.

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I'd vent the JL first, then go from there.

I am 100% sure I want more than the 10 can provide. At a bare minumum I want a lowlowlow playin 12 ported.

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psycho, try different options with what you currently have. that 10 is more than a capable driver. I have to agree with T on this and say go vented before you do anything else. Its the cheapest option you currently have. (or the eD12o)

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You'll be very surprised with the output of the W6 vented. Trust me, I speak from much experience with them. Worst case scenario, you're out $30 for materials and a couple hours building an enclosure.

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You'll be very surprised with the output of the W6 vented.  Trust me, I speak from much experience with them.  Worst case scenario, you're out $30 for materials and a couple hours building an enclosure.

which u can recoup by selling the box/sub combo......

but if ur deadset on a new sub...700wrms (and assuming u can snag a d2 version) rl-p in 2ft63 tuned to 34hz....it'll still get low. but if ur after more, 28hz...

also, the new mag would fit the bill quite nicely.....

the ava would

memphis m3

and if the L7's weren't hitting the lows, the box was wrong..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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