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P9 combo have an option for aux in?

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are you getting one tirefyr???

im about a month from getting mine.. :woot:!!

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I'm debating between this and the New Eclipse 8554 I think it is with a Behringer for processing. This is actually cheaper and easier without the need for a 120V conversion, but the BEhringer will give me more flexibility and ultimate control with the serial port and my laptop. Just checking my options.

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which behringer?


no doubt though that the p9 looks better ;)

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Sucks you gotta buy those lil boxes for your unit, its pioneer's way to make an extra $40 off an already expensive cd player.

I bought one here recently. When you go to buy one let me know...I can get them cheaoer then that.

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that behringer is a pretty nice proc, but too large and cumbersome for my needs.

good luck with everything...

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My biggest concern with the Behringer is the heat and vibration when car mounted. That and a good power supply is not yet available. I'm strongly leaning towards the Pioneer, yet this extreme disgust I have for Pioneer HUs is holding me back.

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How would you power than Behringer ?

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12 volt PS.

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Put your trust in the Pioneer deck. Their indepth adjustments should meet your needs. The 13band eq rocks :slayer:

That beast is 19" long, where are you going to hide it? And why hide it if you cant adjust it? It would make for a pretty tacky install.

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  KickinAudio said:
Put your trust in the Pioneer deck. Their indepth adjustments should meet your needs. The 13band eq rocks :slayer:

That beast is 19" long, where are you going to hide it? And why hide it if you cant adjust it? It would make for a pretty tacky install.

I agree on all parts

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IT will be hidden in the trunk. All adjustments will be made via the laptop for the Behringer.

As for the Pioneer, the HU would be hidden behind the stock radio. You may deem this tacky, I like stealth.

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I think thats a cool idea. I wanted to do that in whichever car i chose to purchase.

Definetly need some sort of tutorial if you do so

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So your going to have a laptop installed? Sounds like a pain in the ass if you gotta break out the laptop to adjust.

You must be an audiophile to notice the difference between the Pioneer and Behringer.

It all sounds pointless, when the small Pioneer does the same thing, IMHO

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Not totally. THe Behringer gives me almost an endless amount of processing available. No need to install a laptop in the car. All I need is access to a serial port and I can simply plug into it. Then all I have to do is tune, set the memory and I'm done. The slopes, filters, Q settings, pretty much everything is infinitely adjustable on the Behringer. I can even select what type of filters I want.

Only thing holding me back is the lack of a good 12V PS for it so far. I have a lock on one, but it won't be available for at least a month.

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Ryan has those "magical" ears, he can hear everything :rolleyes:

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Wouldnt the 12v power supply, in addition to the processor, cost as much as a P9 setup?

Why the disgust for Pioneer stuff?

I have heard nothing but good things about the P9 setup, and it is extremely adjustable...maybe not as much as the Behr, but more than satisfactory for most "audiophiles". However, you would have the rest of us P9ers beat on originality and functionality. ;)

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The P9 setup will definately be cheaper, however, this install is not exactly budget-friendly. $2k in amplification, another $1K in drivers and yadda yadda, you get the point. As far as my dislike for Pioneer, they have always been too much flash for me. Granted the P9 is a different breed altogether, but that is just my feeling as a whole on Pioneer.

So far, the Pio looks as if it will be in the car as I may have some problems with the processor on the Behringer between heat and vibration. My car is setup for Autocross so the suspension isn't exactly "soft" if you know what I mean.

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It would definetly not like roads with bumps

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This just doesnt add up what your trying to do. And autocross car with $1k in speakers and some large funky ass eq that requires you to break out a laptop for adjust ment? I doubt you'll seriously notice the difference in sound, the only difference you'll see is in the money you're going to blow.

I listen to different types of music, switch to cd's, satt radio..alot when Im in my car. I find myself making small adjustments on my deck when doing these switches. I'd have to have to stop and break out a laptop to make those types of adjustements. What your trying to pull off just sounds like a waste.

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...an autocross/SQ car??? I certainly hope you make up your mind, because trying to do both is going to be a nightmare...

Believe me when I say, I've done plenty research before deciding upon the P9 setup for myself. I definitely understand the desire to go with the Behringer. But, you definitely are going to want to stick with equipment that is engineered specifically for an in-car environment. Going with a product not engineered for in-vehicla application, really makes things more complicated than they need to be. As far as flexibility, reliability, ease of adjustment, etc......well im not going to make any judgements before opening the book, but you can see where I'm heading......I really think you'd be better off with something else.

Not like I'm trying to push it on you, but I honestly think you'll be content with the P9. It more than meets the needs of most SQ competitors, and serious audiophiles. Not to mention you would be underbudget, with little compromise to your original/alternate plan.

As far as your comments on Pioneer's OTHER product line. I do agree with you, the majorioty of Pioneer units are too flashy for my taste. However, IMHO they still make excellent products. The abundance of "bling" in their other product lines is exactly what drew me to the P9 in the first place. As far as cosmetics are concerned, its very subdued. Its feature set is unmatched by any other product in its price range (that I have been able to find). And I'd venture to say that it is one of the best choices currently out there if you are going with an active crossover system and require extensive flexible equalization. (had to throw in that little blurb for everyone else reading this :D )

P.S. If you come across any good deals on P9 gear let me know, I'm still saving up for mine ;)

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Eh, I'm not gonna try to explain anymore. Some understand, some don't simple as that. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and believe me, I DO appreciate the constructive criticism. Each setup does have it pros and cons and I'm fully aware of this, yet I KNOW what I want to do and the goal I have with this vehicle. SImple as that. As far as the P9 goes, if I DO go this route, I'll be buying the Refurbs from IkeSound if they are still available.

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I kinda wish you would explain, because I'm intersted in getting yout point of view. I'd like to know exactly what your goals are, because frankly, they seem reasonable, but challenging.

Ikesound is the cheapest that I have seen online as well. Well, good luck to you sir.

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