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RL-I 12"

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I bought them used on CarAudio.com forums, the guy had been using them for about 2 or 3 months

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they're here and they're not damaged :D :D :D, installing tomorrow if it is nice out!



wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

like you haven't seen an rl-i before :postwhore:

other than that :stupid: lets see some pics.....

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :rockwoot:

ahh..but my rl-i looks like this...


over there..lol..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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> why does it look like there's circles in the middle of them?

If the light is right, it shows the more-or-less flat depression in the center of the cone where the voicecoil is attached underneath. Jelly, your woofers might have this as well, though it may be less pronounced on the larger cones. I haven't been able to spy this anomoly on our new annodized cones.

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> why does it look like there's circles in the middle of them?

If the light is right, it shows the more-or-less flat depression in the center of the cone where the voicecoil is attached underneath.  Jelly, your woofers might have this as well, though it may be less pronounced on the larger cones.  I haven't been able to spy this anomoly on our new annodized cones.

nope...not on mine? do the rl-p's maybe have a little thicker cone then the rl-i's? or will they just do that over time? i heard somewhere that eventually cones made out of aluminum will bend from the heat and stress. is this what happened to the cone, or is that even true?

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Well, metal will certainly be manipulated by heat and pressure (as is most any substance).. but I don't think that is what is happening here, nor do I think this is likely to happen with any subwoofer, as the materials used are of sufficient resilience to withstand ambient temperature extremes. The drivers have had that 'circular signiture' if you will, since they were first produced; it is not something that developed over time. Simply the way the cone was designed.. a cosmetic variance - nothing that will affect the driver mechanically, and nothing that will get better or worse as time goes on


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Well, metal will certainly be manipulated by heat and pressure (as is most any substance).. but I don't think that is what is happening here, nor do I think this is likely to happen with any subwoofer, as the materials used are of sufficient resilience to withstand ambient temperature extremes.  The drivers have had that 'circular signiture' if you will, since they were first produced; it is not something that developed over time.  Simply the way the cone was designed.. a cosmetic variance - nothing that will affect the driver mechanically, and nothing that will get better or worse as time goes on



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sorry about reviving the thread but how would you compare a 12" rl-i to a 12" 2004 Type R?

both receiving 600 watts max.

type r=1 cu. ft.

rl-i=ideal enclosure

KK07 is selling these and i'm am thinking of getting them. If I don't get these then I'll probably go with 13Ov.2's.

so what do you guys think? help me choose!

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if you want the SS, you should hurry Mike might only have a few left

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12" rl-i [...] receiving 600 watts max.

I wouldn't recommend using 600 watts on an RL-i. It is unecessary, the RL-i is not an SPL oriented driver, and if it actually saw that amount of power often, you would be putting it at significantly higher risk for failure than if you were utilizing it with it's recommended 350 watts.

Sorry for the bad news! :Doh:

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well if it is 600 max, he could back the gain down and run it sealed and be smart with the volume

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well if it is 600 max, he could back the gain down and run it sealed and be smart with the volume

oh of course i am not going to give 600w to each of em. i just wanted to point out that thats how much i could give since they will be powered by a nine.1.

now the only question is which one would be better for me, 2 13Ov.2's or 2 12" RL-I's?

i am looking for LSQ and I do know that the Ov.2's can be cheaper than the RL-I's via the discount. Both are exceptional SQ subs but which one would get louder?

I know many people don't like eD much but dont turn this into a flame war plz.

Anyone here ever hear both?

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