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Lord Baccus

Pap Sub Review

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I have been Demoing some of the most Killer subs from Pierce Audio Products for 3yrs now and have blowen off all other Sub Manufactures / for this Company, as I feel after Torture testing them all, as follows the

Org MOAB / WMD / WMD^2 / MOAB XxX 15" / MOAB XxX 18"

the last 2 were one off special orders that were Modified to an extream level, to take the abuse i was going to dish out

I build SPL enclosures for ea set of subs and go compete with them.

then put them in an enclosure designed to play music, and Ground Pound them to the point of excess... :P

now for a few pics

My 1st Moab 15" org







the 2nd added later




Edited by johnecon2001
Because you were too lazy to copy and paste, I did it for you.

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And he is a complete moron so anything he says should be completely ignored. I've met 10 year olds that have more stereo knowledge than he does.

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