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smoking subs

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wierd ?

i have a saz 1500d and was wondering,

if i smell a woofer going up in smoke should i be shutting it down to prevent dmg to my amps ?

or am i ok to just let it go up in smoke and push it harder untill it goes all the way .

i know about the protection built into the amps but that doesn't allways mean that i'd be ok.

if it is considered ok to smoke subs without dammaging the amp, could you safely burn sub after sub after sub and still be ok.

would love to here jakes take on this too.

i would never even consider this with any other amp, but these sundown amps are soooo darn tough that it dawned on me it might be posible.

how about you guys at comps, when you blow subs how often does it take out the amps also?

so anyways go ahead and tell me no way i'm crazy.

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i guess i should also add subs getting mechanicaly blown to this question,

this might actualy be more risky than just thermal.

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I've been running an oldschool Lanzar OptiDrive Plus 500 which pushes well over 1000 watts since purchasing it new back in 1993. I've smoked more subs than I can remember and the amp still works flawlessly. I surely hope I'm not wrong by saying that a Sundown amp could easily do the same thing. Still waiting for my 3500D to put it to the test.

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I've been running an oldschool Lanzar OptiDrive Plus 500 which pushes well over 1000 watts since purchasing it new back in 1993. I've smoked more subs than I can remember and the amp still works flawlessly. I surely hope I'm not wrong by saying that a Sundown amp could easily do the same thing. Still waiting for my 3500D to put it to the test.

thanks sexysoundlabs for your response.

i can't believe only 1 response with all those views.

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The answer is you most likely won't tear up the amp but it is not impossible.

thanks jacob,

i know anything can happen.

was just wondering how common it was to cause dmg from such abuse .

before i take my chances with my favorate amps so far.

if it is rare then i will take my chances and let it wang and if its semi common then i could change out amps just to finish off.

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