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Amp not puttin out full wattage?

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I have a fi bl and a sundown 1500d and lately my sytstem hasnt been playing as loud as usual. it just dont have the edge it usually does. If i had to guess i would save ive lost a full 2 db. its not my voltage cause it stays right around 13.3 a lil wire came loose on my old rca's but i bought some new ones and it STILL sounds the same. What other reasons could be causing this not to play as loud?

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Maybe your ears are used to it and it doesn't seem loud anymore.

Edited by tech2332

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it is most likely your ears. but with this summer weather and humid air it some times is harder to move humid air and you lose db's because of it. not sure if you can lose that many because of humidity in the air and air temps mite be worth cheeking in to. most of all if you drive with the air on instead of the windows down...

or even your system is breaking in your vehicle like the stiff flex of the body panels softened up over time etc...

only way to tell is get it tested by a mic.

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this may seem a lil stupid but, put headphones on when you go to sleep and turn it down so you can hardly hear it.

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It's just your ears. You can not hear a 2dB fluctuation anyways.

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Indeed you can't hear 2dB, but if its truly perceived as quieter you need to turn it down more or you'll be deaf well before your time.

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