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Hi, i own a 15" dual 2 BL running off a xtr2400 old school orion amp. ATM i'm running 1200watts(4ohms) to my 15. I recently owned a xtr1000, which ran 1000watts at 1ohm to my 15(which is why i have the dual 2 setup, and im an idiot for not getting universal option). But anyways now that i own this beastly amp, i would like to get the most out of it. I am thinking of buying another dual 2 15 BL and being able to wire it to 2ohms OR selling(craigslist) my 15 and buying a new 15 BTL dual 1 of course.

To sums things up, what would be better output, loudness, slammin' balls wise: 2 15 BL'S or 1 15 BTL. And im sorta on a money budget right now...

Greatly appreciate yalls thoughts and suggestions...

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I know a guy who hit a 145 off of two fully loaded 12 bl's and I know another guy who a 146 I think or more with a single 12 btl. So maybe 1 15" btl maybe louder depending on your box of course, I have a 15" btl and a box that leaks all over lol and a friend said I might be hitting around 142-145 range.. And it also takes up less space and is cheaper. And would go good with that amp of yours

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The BL's would be louder than the single BTL, provided you have the room.

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