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Enclosure plans for 2 12" SSDs

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Hey everyone.

I'm in need of some plans for a ported enclosure for two 12" Fi SSDs (with copper coils if it matters). This will be my first box build...but I'm confident I can make a nice quality box. I'm just having some trouble coming up with some plans. Does anybody have some drawn up I can use for reference?

Any help at all is greatly appreciated!

Here's some info you all might need:

I want the width to be 44 inches. It's going in the back of my FJ Cruiser and I am trying to build something like this:


This picture shows what the actual box looks like:


The width in the back is about 45 inches. So I think a 44 inch box would fit nicely like his.

I'm mostly looking for SPL, but I don't want to lose TOO much SQ. Probably between 4-5 cubic feet?

I listen to a mixture of rap and metal. I would say tuned to 33hz like Fi suggests?

Thanks a ton everybody. You've all been so helpful! :)

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