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Which Battery Under Hood?

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I'm going to replace my redtop. I have two batteries in mind that I can get at a really good price, a Kinetik hc1800 and a Deka Intimidator. Which do you think I should get?

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go with deka! don't go for that rebadged stuff lol!! keep the money in america! (i think deka is american made?) my buddy has a 1800hc under his hood and a 2400hc in the rear and to tell you the truth on 1200rms his volts will drop from 14.5v to 13.1 at full tilt and car at 1.5-2krpm! hope this helps with your choices

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that sounds like he's on stock alternator.

13.1v is the range of float for these type of batts.

Any current demand larger than what the alt can handle will dip down to the batteries.

As the current output from an alt increases, the voltage drops until it can't keep up, then it's all on the batts in terms of voltage.

Also, assuming he still has a stock alt, that's alot of reserve capacity for a stock alt, if he doesn't have a batt charger, i hope he does a lot of drivin in the 2-3krpm range to keep those batts charging... but not too long i hope or it'll kill his alternator.

he has 209aH in the car. Let's say he has an 80A alt. If both batts dropped 25% from a full charge, it would take approximately, taken into account the car is using about 40A while driving, about 1hr 20min at a constant 2-3krpm to charge those batts back up... that would definitely kill the alternator obviously. also, nobody drives at that high rpm unless speeding on the interstate for a very long time.

For your buddy's sake, he needs to ensure he's properly keepin his batts charged because that is most likely not the fault of Kinetik.

I have LESS aH than he does(in the rear, not total in the car) and i'm runnin over 7,000wrms in my ride and i only have 1.1v drop so that shows you that something is definitely wrong with the charging system.. not the batts or at least hope it hasnt gotten that far by now.

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yeah im definetly going to get the deka now. i found one for $50 local. im going to get it in the morning.

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yeah im definetly going to get the deka now. i found one for $50 local. im going to get it in the morning.

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What kind of alt you got? I'm thinkin about a new one for my Marquis and am lookin for suggestions.

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What kind of alt you got? I'm thinkin about a new one for my Marquis and am lookin for suggestions.

You might not want to go this route but I have a rewound alt from Mr. Alternator. Its not the best but it gets the job done.

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