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What software would i need ???

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To figure how much air a specific subwoofer should need using the information like, (VCdia: 1-1/4" *Impedance: 4 ohms *Re: 3.6 ohms *Frequency range: 45-1,500 Hz *Fs: 45 Hz *SPL: 82 dB 2.83V/1m *Vas: .24 cu.ft. *Qms: 2.68 *Qes: .61 *Qts: .49 *Xmax 9.25mm) and does any one know a good thing or two about designing t lines.

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For a t- line you stick the sub in what is essentially a long port with port area going down to 100% - 125 % of Sd of the sub. Tuning depends on the length of the chamber. A length of 7 ft will tune it to 40 hz and if built correctly it should give good response to about an octave lower than the tuning frequency, this calls for stuffing the line to get rid of unwanted noise that the sub makes. You can tune lower but the box starts becoming even bigger the lower the tuning goes. Usually they are tuned to the resonant frequency of the sub making your chamber 6.25 ft long. Due to how usually subs are put in boxes its impossible to start with Sd of the sub so just taper it down to Sd of the sub unless you invert the sub.

should look something like this:

Go to www.quarter-wave.com

www.t-linespeakers.org for more information.

Edited by takniteasy

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