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Legalize It

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Wow, what a thread! Didn't know that so many folks on the forum enjoy the funky green....

I can see this both ways:

For Legalization: I'm hearing a lot here about getting out of debt, and I agree. Put a stop on a lot of crime, I also agree. As a former distributor of said... prducts... I realize that when I was in the biz I was pretty much a total arseho, (no way around it), due to the fact that you can't trust anyone and the money really does get to you. I wound up in the emergency room and decided that I was pretty much a retard for the whole thing. Would dumbasses like me be running around with guns and such harming ourselves and others if it was legal? Probably not, although we would find something else dumb to do, but that's just the old me talking. Enough of my whiny :bull:

A lot of great things can be made from hemp, (although these things already are but not in mass quantities), and much more medical research involving the plant could and would be done, possibly unlocking some hidden potential in the plant.

Against Legalization: You now give previous criminals a clean source for their dirty money and open up a whole new can of worms. I agree with the field testing problem that could arise, (a lot of alchoholics can handle their liquor and be totally unsafe to drive, same with pot smokers), and it would probably upset a lot of moralists like my grandparents lol. The government would have complete control and that could be bad for any truly legal business trying to start out with all of the regulations holding them down, (although they wouldn't exist without legalization). While I am fairly libertarian in my political leanings and I think that people should be able to do what they want with themselves, I do not want another thing out there for my kids, (I don't have any but someday I might), to get into. Alchohol and tobacco are a lot more widely used among minors than marijuana. Parents: do kyou want this to be more accesible to your children?

That's my long and misspelled rant. Please ignore.

Edited by Don Ganso

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