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4,000 watts, how many amps alt?

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First of all i'm thinking of running 2 audio que 18s (HDC318) on 2000w rms a piece, is this possible?

If it is possible, would i only need 1 ho alt and how many amps? 300?

lastly, should i switch my stock battery with something different AND throw one in the trunk or what would you suggest?


Edited by Bali

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well for 4000rms you will be pushing nearly 250-280amps so for fusing use a 300amp fuse and use some big wire! as for an H/O go with a 250-300amp and you should be golden!

Now as for the battery in the front i would jsut keep it stock and toss 2 batteries in the rear (or one bigger one). I have been told it is better to have a bank of batteries rather then 2 batteries about 13ft apart!! but ppl have done a big battery in the front and in the rear and havn't had an issue!

o also get a voltmeter so you can keep an eye on your voltage!!

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well for 4000rms you will be pushing nearly 250-280amps so for fusing use a 300amp fuse and use some big wire! as for an H/O go with a 250-300amp and you should be golden!

Now as for the battery in the front i would jsut keep it stock and toss 2 batteries in the rear (or one bigger one). I have been told it is better to have a bank of batteries rather then 2 batteries about 13ft apart!! but ppl have done a big battery in the front and in the rear and havn't had an issue!

o also get a voltmeter so you can keep an eye on your voltage!!

Only 250-280? What kind of voltage were you thinking cars run at and what efficiency for the amps? Assuming he can keep the voltage at 14, 4000/14 = 285, then if his amps are 80% efficient, 285/0.8 = 357 amps. That's under the best voltage conditions. If the voltage drops to 12, he's pulling 417 amps.

But that's really neither here nor there, since those subs probably won't take all 4,000 watts. I'd figure on probably only using half of your available amp power most of the time. A 200 amp alt and extra battery in the back should be sufficient.

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umm i used 14.4volts and i used 3000watts lol opps not 4000. my bad! i guess getting off my 11hour shift at work kind screwed me over. i wonder what the price difference is of a 200amp h/o and a 250h/o? Hell more is always better, maybe one day he will upgrade to a 5krms setup and the 250h/o will come in handy lol.

o well sorry for the mess up! i apologize!!

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No worries

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