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5l-p 15 ported and tuned?

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well my rl-15 is on the way and im onlky pushin 600 watts to it, and im thinking of porting it. i believe the recommended tuning is 28hz? there are prefab boxes on ebay pretty cheap but tuned to 38hz X_X right now im throwin togethor a ghetto sealed from a dual sealed box i had from my last pair of subs, but i dont plan on keepin that as the permanent home of my oh so sexy rl-p =)

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there are a few of us that can build a box for you

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get denim or mrray or aneonrider to build u a box, they will do the best, they have the knowledge. i will also have 15's but i will have 2, wich i will be pushing them with 1000wrms.

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Eww.. don't get that pre-fab tuned to 38 Hz - that's way too high in my opinion, unless you're just trying to get a high dB rating on a test tone crazy2.gif

For a quality in-car listening experience, I'd suggest tuning between 28 - 32 Hz on the RL-p15.. and yes, as has been pointed out there are quite a few people here who build quality boxes if you don't have the time or desire to build your own. :slayer:

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I don't build them (unless you want to pay the shipping from Canada :P), but I do make plans for a sum.

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now that is something i may do, have someone desing me a box. for now im gonna throw togethor a box and see how it turns out.

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Eww.. don't get that pre-fab tuned to 38 Hz - that's way too high in my opinion, unless you're just trying to get a high dB rating on a test tone crazy2.gif

For a quality in-car listening experience, I'd suggest tuning between 28 - 32 Hz on the RL-p15.. and yes, as has been pointed out there are quite a few people here who build quality boxes if you don't have the time or desire to build your own.  :slayer:

i like you and all mike...but i would have to disagree. the last box i had my 2 15's in was tuned to 37Hz and it did exceptionally well. it hit all the lows, and it would literally hit you it the back of the head! but either way definatly stay away from the prefab boxes!!!

my box tuned @23 IMO is a little overkill for in car. i'm sure for HT where i could get some more port out of it, it would kick some ass! i think i'm gonna cut some of the port out of it and add some 2x4's, to manipulate the box to around 6ft^3 net @ ~34Hz. hopefully next weekend i'll get this box metered and see how it does against the smaller, higer tuned box.

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I hear ya Jelly. I don't know why you went all the way down to 23 Hz.. I'm pretty sure I didn't suggest it! ;)

I still wouldn't go up to 37-38 Hz, but again, this just exemplifies the importance of personal taste, and the fact that everything audio is extremely subjective and is really in the ear of the beholder. I guess I may have exaggerated above when I said only tune to 38 Hz if you're runnin' test tones.. but for me, I would simply not tune that high. If you like it, more power to ya!

.. and I agree, 23 Hz would be pretty awesome for home theater. Heck even down to 18-20 Hz would be pretty damn sweet :woot:

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humm, come to think about it, dual RL-i 10's in a massive TL would be pretty sweet for HT

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coolies im guessing im going sealed with the recommended size. im more than confident im not gonna need any help "designing" it lol. i have some friends who know a thing or too.

today i demolished my old box, what a piece of crap. it was held togethor by a staple gun, and the thing was about 15% air tight :wacko: what a piece of junk. im glad im not putting a rl-p in that thing.

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