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The Stereo Integrity Cobra.

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And the glassing began tonight. I am having a love/hate relationship with FG. I'm sure you all can relate. The sanding will be even more intensive. Damn. I am beginning to think I should give up on car audio. Anyways was feeling good after sniffing resin for hours.


There's four layers of mat there. Will follow with a couple more, pull it out, fill in any gaps, then finish off with cloth and a special interior concoction of my own. No resonances for me.

Here's some random ones.

Hmm, where might these go?


Wanna play?


Got ground clearance?


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lookin good Ryan

what tires are those? they look very familiar...

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lookin good Ryan

what tires are those? they look very familiar...

Kuhmo Ectsta Supra 712s. Not my choice. They were on the vehicle when I bought it. Surprised they lasted 4 years, but hey. Got some BFGs or Yokos going on Friday.

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lookin good Ryan

what tires are those? they look very familiar...

Kuhmo Ectsta Supra 712s. Not my choice. They were on the vehicle when I bought it. Surprised they lasted 4 years, but hey. Got some BFGs or Yokos going on Friday.

same tires as mine, i like em a lot better than the Comp TAs that were on it when i got it

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looking good, I have less clearance that you :P

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looking good, I have less clearance that you :P

I feel for you. Have you ever been stuck on a speed bump? I avoid them now. :D

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Some miscellaneous stuff.




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so why didnt you just glass the sides instead of stretchin them?

did you just forget before you pulled it out? lol

lookin good so far. them amps are sexy as hell. i hope to god you are going to glass amp racks as well as steath-face subs.

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looking good, I have less clearance that you :P

I feel for you. Have you ever been stuck on a speed bump? I avoid them now. :D

I take them at an angle, its funny I think other people in my neighborhood are finally starting to catch on as why this dark 2 door is driving diagonal

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so why didnt you just glass the sides instead of stretchin them?

did you just forget before you pulled it out? lol

lookin good so far. them amps are sexy as hell. i hope to god you are going to glass amp racks as well as steath-face subs.

I'm using 3/4oz. mat so the ability of it to hold it's place while soaked with resin was something I was worried about. Gravity works against you when glassing vertically or upside down. An easy stretch of the grill cloth provided a solid base in which to apply additional layers without fear of them "falling" or "sliding" out of place leaving a potential hole and more invested time. There's always a reason to my madness.

Experience will help you a lot. You will learn what not to do when you make a mistake and plan for that accordingly next time you do work.

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looking good, I have less clearance that you :P

I feel for you. Have you ever been stuck on a speed bump? I avoid them now. :D

I take them at an angle, its funny I think other people in my neighborhood are finally starting to catch on as why this dark 2 door is driving diagonal

I tried that route, still got stuck. Oh well.

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so why didnt you just glass the sides instead of stretchin them?

did you just forget before you pulled it out? lol

lookin good so far. them amps are sexy as hell. i hope to god you are going to glass amp racks as well as steath-face subs.

I'm using 3/4oz. mat so the ability of it to hold it's place while soaked with resin was something I was worried about. Gravity works against you when glassing vertically or upside down. An easy stretch of the grill cloth provided a solid base in which to apply additional layers without fear of them "falling" or "sliding" out of place leaving a potential hole and more invested time. There's always a reason to my madness.

Experience will help you a lot. You will learn what not to do when you make a mistake and plan for that accordingly next time you do work.

id probably of just gotten the glue gun out, put a little glue down on the wood at the top, maybe a few drips in the middle, then stuck it on and glassed over it.

i dunno i got ~4oz. and i got some 24 and 30oz matte :)

so i gotta buy some more resin. soaks it up like a mofo.

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Well, small change of plans here. The entire bottom tub is finish glassed, mudded and deadened. I'll post pics later, but I've come to a smalll standstill. The Quarts are going back to Crutchfiedl courtesy of their 30 day moneyback guarantee and something far better will be replacing them. I cannot comment on what as I want it to be a surprise, but I heard one of these amplifiers today as well as a pair of the Mass electrostats and needless to say, I just have to have these amps. They truly do have a warm texture to the sound. That right there should give you a hint. On another note, my processor finally arrived.


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that orion is niceee

warm texture??




memphis?? i get a warm fuzzy feeling from a big memphis amp tickling voice coils..lol

looks good though man...

hey, whatcah doing memorial day weekend? i might need to make a road trip....

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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No idea on Memorial day, but you're WAY off on amp guesses.

MCINTOSH was the closest guess and still not there yet. I'll give you a hint though, it begins with the second letter of the alphabet.

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That is looking real good Ryan. You sure did change your mind quick on the amps :D

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That is looking real good Ryan.  You sure did change your mind quick on the amps :D

If you heard what I heard, you would too. Although I am kinda odd on my musical tastes, so you may not like what I heard. I am a big fan of an overbearing midbass and these amps really just hit on that. Funny thing is, a lot of people say they have some problems with cone control at lower frequencies. I sure as hell didn't experience this. Matter of fact, the entire design of these amps is patented so something must be working correctly.

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:fing34:  :rockwoot:

I was thinking more along the lines of Bazooka, Blaupunkt, or Boss :domoslay:

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You guys are still off. I don't know how many people even know of this brand's existence.

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shame you did not get to play with the Quarts :unsure:

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You guys are still off.  I don't know how many people even know of this brand's existence.


least show a pic of the amp in question - even if you have to mud out the logo in photoshop.

now im all curious.

so post some pictures already :banhim:

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You'll find out soon enough. On another note, I have decided to go a different route with processing so the For Sale section will have even more Stuff from me.

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