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Just here to introduce myself.... Name is Danny... Just got back into car audio after a long break customizing PCs... Looking into getting a new subwoofer to replace an old setup I just re-installed in my 2003 Camry...

System Build:

Pioneer Premier 610BT

Kenwood amp 70x4 (interiors)

KAC X810D (mono)

2 JL AUDIO 10w3(6-7 years old)

Q-Logic Bandpass

Looking to just have one 12" most likely..

Any recommendations on a new sub for replacement?

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If you are going to stick with the Excelon I would do a SSA ICON. If not, what is your budget?

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If you are going to stick with the Excelon I would do a SSA ICON. If not, what is your budget?

I will be sticking with the Excelon, it is so well built that I need no other one for the setup I'm going for. As far as the SSA ICON goes it looks pretty nice... Low wattage though it seems... I was looking at the Fi SSD 12" but not sure...

M budget will be around $250 at most....

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The Icon is 1000watts rms which is what you amp is rated for at 1 ohm. You would be very happy with it.

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The Icon is 1000watts rms which is what you amp is rated for at 1 ohm. You would be very happy with it.

As far as differences between the two subwoofers... There alot (spec wise)... What is the deciding factor on which would sound better? I def need something accurate, the sub setup now isn't much of accuracy wise....

Is the icon better musically or the SSD by Fi?

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