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Gary F.

12v or 16v

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So I have been thinking about going to 16 volts. What do you guys think? How much more power should I expect to see from the 1500's?

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Jacob was seeing 2600watts from an saz-1500d on 16v.


Gives me ideas... clap.gif

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Thanks. Powermaster, Kinetik or 4v cells wired in series with the 12 volts I already have?

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How many batteries do you need to goto 16v ? , I currently have 2 d3100's to power 2 3500d's, install in about 2-3 weeks :)

Edited by MiamiStyle

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Thanks. Powermaster, Kinetik or 4v cells wired in series with the 12 volts I already have?

You'll get varied opinions on which brand to use. Usually, whatever brand a person is running will be what they say is the best.

Powermaster is great no doubt. Alan Dante runs Powermaster. Craig Butler runs Kinetik so you have to close competitors running opposite brands

I myself like Kinetik simply because of the 12v outputs along with 16v. Makes thing easier sometimes.

You can't go wrong with either one. Check with Jacob. He was selling his Powermasters at one time?

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What about the remote? Should it be 16v or 12v? I know some amps on a 16v system don't like 16v remote. And some do.

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What about the remote? Should it be 16v or 12v? I know some amps on a 16v system don't like 16v remote. And some do.

I always ran mine on 12v with both my Mojo 4kw's and my Sundowns

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What about the remote? Should it be 16v or 12v? I know some amps on a 16v system don't like 16v remote. And some do.

it will work on 12 ,but 16 is the best option on for the amps

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powermaster is the only way to go IMO, when i run 16V i used an external regulator and powermaster stepdowns to charge my 12V and i also used a relay with 16V for a remote turn on as for how many if you run powermaster on a 1500D you should be ok with 2 / amp if its kinetiks i would recommend no less than 3/amp if your not careful with the kinetiks and you use the 12V post you can bulge the batt. but i love 16V definitely a great way to go

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all depends on what you want to do. if you want a daily system than stick to 12v. if its just going to be a pure SPL vehicle than 16v. IMO.....switching between 12v to 16v terminals on kinetik batts can be a bishhhh!

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16 volts baby!! I use Kinetik because we get an awesome Team price and I can pretty much get 2 16v Kinetik's for the price of one Powermaster. The Kinetik battery would be the least expensive battery if you are looking at it from a "run your whole vehicle off of it" standpoint. With enough of a bank of batteries and a good solid 16 volt alternator you could simply run a power wire from the 12 volt post back to the 12 volt buffer battery up front to charge your electrical. If it sounds complicated, then you might need to get some help, but it's not really that hard and I have never had a battery bulge due to hooking it up this way. If all you are going to do is burp the vehicle for a show, or don't care about cost, then by all means get Powermasters or a Batcap 8400 and you will be more than happy.

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Does it mattter what ohms you are running the 1500 at for the 16volts

No. Input voltage does not play a part on resistance.

Oh and to the OP...18v :D

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