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Test Tones - You choose - Off Topic Section

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As you know, i host my own array of test tones but i am about to delete those tones and create a fresh batch of them that is properly compressed and a lot more to choose from!

So, before i jump in and do my own thing, please let me know if there are any tones or waves that you would want in the batch.. i am pretty good a audio and video editing so think of something and let me know.

Here is the current specs of the test tones being created-

Sine Waves-

Individual frequencies from 1-100hz.

From 100-1000hz in 25hz increments.

From 1000-20000hz in 100hz increments.

Square Waves-

From 20-100hz in 1hz increments.


Audio clip - from 1hz-20000hz (-3db amplitude for safety) Duration 17 minutes- Ultimate Staging track.

Audio clip - from 20hz-100hz (-3db amplitude used for finding peak note) Duration 1min 21 seconds.

Audio clip - 100hz - 5000hz (-3db amplitude used for testing midrange) Duration 5 minutes.

Audio clip - 1000hz - 20000hz (-3db amplitude used for testing high range) Duration 5 minutes.

All sine and square waves are recorded on a 60 second time scale at 0db, the absolute maximum before clipping occurs.

The reason why i chose -3db amplitude for the sweeps is to ensure the safety of the speakers and that heat buildup will be at it's minimum.

If there is anything else you may like to see, post it here.

These tones are being worked on as we speak and should be ready by the end of the month.

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OK, ALL tones and sweeps are done.


A lot of these audio tracks have likely potential to damage your audio setup. I take no responsibility in the misuse of these tracks nor the neglect that people have been accused of how they setup their own equipment.

ALL tracks are properly made, clip free and will not cause system failure as long as your equipment has been properly setup and you know exactly why you choose which tracks to play.

Sine Wave compilation - Recorded at 0db. DO NOT INDUCE CLIPPING ON YOUR AMPLIFIERS WHILE PLAYING THESE TRACKS unless using for short bursts such as competition.


Sweep Compilation - Recorded at -3db. These tracks are safe to play on everyday setups. Again, though, try not to clip your amps when playing these sweeps as there is no advantage. These are testing tracks and should be played properly.

Square wave information- There will be abnormal "noise" when a square wave is played. This is normal. The frequencies besides the centered one in the track are outputting in the midrange from 150hz and higher typically. It is heavily important

if you choose to use these in competition that you do not clip your front stage when playing these tracks. The amplitude in the midrange is about -4 - -6db but if you plan to clip these square waves, you could damage your front stage. A good idea would be to unplug your front stage when burping these square waves. If the mid frequencies are blending in with the centered frequency from the subwoofer(s) then your LPF is set too high and needs to be lowered before attempting to burp with these tracks.

To download, you MUST download ALL parts of a compilation.

Sine waves have 6 rar parts.

Square waves have 4 rar parts.

Sweeps have 2 rar parts.

Use Winrar to extract once all parts have been downloaded.

I hope this new package does everyone some good. Happy Tuning :)

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Anybody compete here that needs custom tones?

IE - precise tones, for example, 52.175hz vs 52hz or 52.621hz vs 53hz?

IE - do u have a lot of power in your car... too much to burp for 30sec straight but can't or do not want to extend your head unit out of the car to adjust volume levels? I can setup custom tones so the audio tracks will do it for you.

Have your peak tone gradually come in via fade and blast a burp for any specific duration of your choosing then quickly fade out to a low level to prevent heat buildup or damage.

Let me know.

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Got a new batch of tones on the hosting site!

These are quite interesting. They are called "Idler."

So, what is the idler?

You hear semi trucks coming down the road at your work place, or big trucks sitting at idle, or people who have changed camshafts and upgraded underneath the hood?

All of these examples exhibit a low dispersed rumble effect... well, that is what the Idler is.

Frequencies ranging between 10-40hz, you choose which track works best for you.

60 second generation at 0db so you do not need to turn it up too loud.

Now u can simulate having a big block engine for free, :)

PS - if anyone wants any of the higher notes in this compilation "Idled" slower, let me know.

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