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king alpha

SAZ-1000D and SAE-1000D

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I'm seeing the sale, and I want to pick up another Sundown amp. I seriously don't need a new one right now, but those prices are just to good. I currently run the SAE-1000D to my Mag v3 and I'm happy with the little black amp. I see no reason to replace it. But I am curious, how different is the SAZ-1000D compared to the SAE-1000D? I read about the SAZ being more bulletproof than a SAE but, I'm don't really need to push my amps to their limits. Is the SAZ slightly underrated? (your 1200D amps comes to mind). Now I have 20 more days to decide.

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mag v3 is NUTS man!! and my buddy has one and he is pushing 1200rms to it daily with no issue!

Just incase you didn't know the mag v3 is getting a remake!! they jsut blow the prototype with 6krms!!! and the parameters are all the same even tuning is but it can take way more power now!!

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The main difference is the SAZ has a better heatsink in the casing. They are pretty much the same amp.

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both amps are slightly underrated, one is entry level and the other is not

Edited by jay-cee

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mag v3 is NUTS man!! and my buddy has one and he is pushing 1200rms to it daily with no issue!

Just incase you didn't know the mag v3 is getting a remake!! they jsut blow the prototype with 6krms!!! and the parameters are all the same even tuning is but it can take way more power now!!

Haha. Buddy, you need to pay attention to the other guy asking about the mag v3 remake on the SI forums. Some guy calling himself King Alpha.

Thanks for all the replies. It's always great to see companies like Sundown always bettering their products, but damn he works friggin fast. I blinked and theres a new set of amps for sale.

BTW, can the newer SAZ-1000D be strapped to the old SAE-1000D?

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