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need help with volume and tunning

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i have i box that i need to find out what it's volume is and what it is tuned at.

it is made of 3/4" mdf and has a double baffle.

outside dimensions are:

H 23 1/4"

W 20"

D 45"

inside port dimensions are:

H 5"

W 18 1/2"

D this i am not sure which measurement i need

if i measure from the face of the port to the back wall it is 44 1/4" deep

if i am to measure the length of the wall which divides the box to form the port it is 38 3/4" deep

there is a 45% in the back of the port.

thanks in advance for the help. would like to learn how to do these calculations also. perhaps if some one had the extra time i would love to see it drafted up into a drawing also , that would be to cool.

my hopes are to identify what i have in order to see what subs would be good in this box. then make another to match it and put both side by side in the jeep.

sub up, port back.


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too cool, thanks so much for your time, i really am looking at the icons pretty hard, will have to save up some cash before i can get anything, any suggestions on subs that do well in this enviroment. looking for low lows and if i could get into the 148/9 db area on music would be loving it.

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take a sub out so u can finish measuring the port.sounds like it turns in the box.ur bow is 10.13 cubes GROSS, not NET.i'm estimating box to be under 8 cubes total so dont know til i get rest of port length

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if you look at the picture i posted, the port uses the bottom of the box for the bottom of the port, so that length is 44 1/4" long

the board which makes the top of the port measures 38 3/4" deep,

the ol' lady is at the boat or i would use her camera and take a pic of it., hope i helped you though.

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but what i'm sayin is u say u have a 45 in the port... and the port length u gave makes me think the port bends in the back and continues along the height of the box...

I need to know if this is true or not.

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ok i'll have specs in just a few.

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thanks bro.... still waiting on camera..............................................................................still waiting

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Your box is 7.45 cubes NET as long as you keep the subs inverted.

If you install subs normally, it will be around 7 cubes NET.

The port is 5" tall but the back where the port starts in the box, it is 5.5". I went ahead and assumed the box would pick this up as part of the port.

Also, since it's slotted, we'll take another 2.5" of acoustical length inside the box for additional port length which should make your box tuned to- 24.5hz, that's crazy low.

If you drop subs in normally, it would be tuned to approximately - 25.3hz.

Is this for home theater, lol?

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well, story goes that i ordered this box from tcab (mark potts) several years back , and i had specified that i liked the low bass notes......so is it worth holding onto or should i try to sell it locally or something ,,, what would work in it. i used a flea market brand called spl audio, kinda like power acoustics mofo, they did okay......low power so not sure what potential they could of had.

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kryssy......this is an older pic


Edited by porkchop

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yes from what i'm seeing your best bet is a pair of 12s in that box.

2.5 each is on the small side for 15s

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ummm, i think we were going with 7 cubes, so like 3.5 is the air space.....2.5 was to due with port......"Also, since it's slotted, we'll take another 2.5" of acoustical length inside the box for additional port length " ....

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