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Ported box for 2 old Rockford 8's

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I'm thinking about making a box for some older Rockford RFP1408's that I have, they are 200 watts RMS each, the only wood I have is a 30"x60" sheet of 1" MDF and another smaller sheet of 3/4" MDF. So, I'm gonna use the 1" sheet for most of the box, and the small 3/4" sheet for the front.

1.25 Cubic feet

1" x 11" port tuned to 33hz

What do you think?


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i get slightly different numbers for tuning and net volume with those dimensions. exactly how long is the port? i have 23" for 33.08 hz tuning. that gives almost exactly one cubic foot of space of net volume. wont really be an audible difference...just curious :)

on another note, that port is very thin. you may get some port noise with a port that thin. i'd do a 2" x 5.5" port before a 1" x 11" port. looks like the subs will be a tight squeeze in that box, as the sides are in the way of the cut out as well. i'd use 3/4" wood for the box unless you dont have enough and dont wanna buy more. a box that small doesnt really need to be 1" thick imo. with everything 3/4" thick, and those same dimensions i get almost the exact same results as you have in your post, and i'm sure the speakers will fit a lil better as well.

you didnt say where this is gonna go, but can you resize the box just a tad to better fit everything?

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i get slightly different numbers for tuning and net volume with those dimensions. exactly how long is the port? i have 23" for 33.08 hz tuning. that gives almost exactly one cubic foot of space of net volume. wont really be an audible difference...just curious :)

on another note, that port is very thin. you may get some port noise with a port that thin. i'd do a 2" x 5.5" port before a 1" x 11" port. looks like the subs will be a tight squeeze in that box, as the sides are in the way of the cut out as well. i'd use 3/4" wood for the box unless you dont have enough and dont wanna buy more. a box that small doesnt really need to be 1" thick imo. with everything 3/4" thick, and those same dimensions i get almost the exact same results as you have in your post, and i'm sure the speakers will fit a lil better as well.

you didnt say where this is gonna go, but can you resize the box just a tad to better fit everything?

Well the only thing I have is 1", I have a small piece of 3/4" I can use for the front, I made the box using RE Audio's L Port calculator, and then I drew it in Google Sketch-up.

I'm not really sure where it's gonna go either, either in the trunk of a 95 T-Bird or the back of a 93 Suburban, I'm not worried about the sides being in the way, because the subs are really small and I made the cut outs a little big in sketch-up anyways.

Here's what I get with your calculator.


And here's what I get with RE's.


Edited by TRiPP3R

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