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pierce audio products WMD

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i came across PAP WMD 18's for only 175 per on their website. does anyone have any input on these things?

power handling? (says 1,000)


whats theyre best tuned at and box size?

how they hit lows or are they straight comp subs?

anything is appreciated cuz 175 for a normally 400 dollar woofer seems too low, or maybe something worth jumping all over

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Definately worth jumping on, heard alot of good things about their woofers.

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they are awesome subs man my friend had a 12 and that thing pounded it seperated his windshield from the car he ran 1500 rms on it def get it

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Real good price, you will like it. :fing34:

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wow, didn't know these would get such good response. Most of what I've heard about these has been more about the company, and not all of it good. But if the woofer is good, then go for it, especially at a good price

EDIT: anyone know what kinda enclosures the 18's like?

Edited by Solid_State13

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yeah, they are on sale for a couple more weeks ...........

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enyone else on this subs ....

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fatjoe61682 has 4 of the 18's. He only runs two of them and yes they sound good and get loud.

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Wow 175.oo for A WMD 18"

I have been running PaP for a few years now and have NEVER had any Problems @ all

they Freekin Wang...

well the only problem i have is everyone that hears my subs wants too buy them off me on the spot

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I wanna dig up an old thread here cause im kinda salty! I just bought 2 10" WMD2's practically new,from a friend, had them about a month and the surrounds are tearing right above the cone glue joint. I spoke with "a guy" in Chicago who supplied PAP the cone assemblies for these and according to him, the CF from the cone cuts into the back of the highroll surround, practically shredding it at high excursion. And like everyone said, PAP will do nothing about it, or even acknowledge the problem.

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I wanna dig up an old thread here cause im kinda salty! I just bought 2 10" WMD2's practically new,from a friend, had them about a month and the surrounds are tearing right above the cone glue joint. I spoke with "a guy" in Chicago who supplied PAP the cone assemblies for these and according to him, the CF from the cone cuts into the back of the highroll surround, practically shredding it at high excursion. And like everyone said, PAP will do nothing about it, or even acknowledge the problem.

Post some pics! If PAP is unwilling to help with a re-cone, I'm sure Fi would be able to help you out.

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I wanna dig up an old thread here cause im kinda salty! I just bought 2 10" WMD2's practically new,from a friend, had them about a month and the surrounds are tearing right above the cone glue joint. I spoke with "a guy" in Chicago who supplied PAP the cone assemblies for these and according to him, the CF from the cone cuts into the back of the highroll surround, practically shredding it at high excursion. And like everyone said, PAP will do nothing about it, or even acknowledge the problem.

Post some pics! If PAP is unwilling to help with a re-cone, I'm sure Fi would be able to help you out.

would love too. unfortunately i dont have a way to. I used to use my phone but one of my cats ate my card reader! Seriously! I actually contacted someone yesterday about replacement surrounds and i will be ordering them, but still doesn't help me with the "cutting" part. Need to find a way to make the edges of the cones less sharp. Also, everything BUT the surrounds is in perfect order. So I want to aviod the costly recone if i can. And very well built i might add. PAP makes awesome subs, i mean these 10's have over 3" of excursion and one can easily keep up with my DD3512 even at a lower ohm load, but the company itself is terrible!

Edited by resko1

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not much input to offer here other than i have always gotten a response within a day or so of any questons i had asked.

my sub has a little history to it, so i would be afraid to compare it to a like new product from them,

however, I am impressed with it overall.

good luck with the repair, hope you are up and running again soon,


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Get different cones then if you cannot mod it to where it will stop cutting into the surrounds. Or cut out the cones and sand the edges smoother. I haven't heard anything about this, but those are just ideas. Good luck to you.

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not much input to offer here other than i have always gotten a response within a day or so of any questons i had asked.

my sub has a little history to it, so i would be afraid to compare it to a like new product from them,

however, I am impressed with it overall.

good luck with the repair, hope you are up and running again soon,


Hmm, from your thread it surely doesn't sound like you are that impressed with it.

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not much input to offer here other than i have always gotten a response within a day or so of any questons i had asked.

my sub has a little history to it, so i would be afraid to compare it to a like new product from them,

however, I am impressed with it overall.

good luck with the repair, hope you are up and running again soon,


Hmm, from your thread it surely doesn't sound like you are that impressed with it.

currently you are correct, i am unsure to blame the sub or the box though.

the output is there, like you said, the lows are not , like you said...... i might be in for a rude awakening.

got a few more tries at enclosures to make up my mind.


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Good luck and keep us posted, it will work out for you in the end man. :drink40:

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A friend of mine bought one of these and it had coil rub as soon as we hooked it up. PAP pretty much refused to do anything about it, so we are using the basket on a different sub and will probably chuck the motor in the fire pit.

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A friend of mine bought one of these and it had coil rub as soon as we hooked it up. PAP pretty much refused to do anything about it, so we are using the basket on a different sub and will probably chuck the motor in the fire pit.


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IF the CF is making it's way through the resin and glue for the surround, then the cones are defective. Of course, you bought them used, secondhand, so I don't blame him for not warranting them.

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