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A little Make shift Sumtin' (lot'0'pic)

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started on the passenger side. i actually red the mudd to catalyst reccomendations this time. 1" line for a golfball sized scoop of mud. before i did 2" to about 1 1/2 golfball sized scoops. this time i did 1" for 1 1/2 goldball scoops.

well anyway

here are some pics as is. waiting for the mudd to cure so i can get to sanding, agian. found some more 100 grit. 3 sheets so hopefully i wont run out.


it still cured pretty quickly, maybe 5min of working time, but beter than the 2 or so i had last go round


here is a pic of the can, just the cheapest walmart had. i was in there with my mom and still hadnt spend the money on a gift card so i was on a $20 budget for paint/primer, sand paper, and body filler, oh and a pepsi and skittles. it was like $8 for this and primer was like $2 and paint was $3 and sand paper was like $4. pepsi $1 and skittles $0.75. i ended up having to give like a quarter to pay tax.


while im on the issue of money here is a list of what you will need and its cost.

-Pack of Small hobby Paint prushes: $3

-Pack of Bondo fiberglass matt: $6

-2qt of Bondo every day Polyester Resin: $9

-Pack of Disposeable Gloves: $1 (dolar store pwns joo)

-Pack of Sand paper (assorted grits): $4

-Acetone: (free for me) like $5 maybe

-Paper Towels: $1 (dolar sto' pwnz joo agian)

-Rubbing Alcohol: (i used methanol, you isopropyl is will work, really any basic alcohol, if you need an organic chemistry lesson ask) $1

-Can of Primer: $2

-Can of Paint: $3

-Cheap Body filler: $8

-1 yd fleece: steal some from your mom or $2

Total: $45. and if you do it in a closed garadge you get high too. drugs and alcohol can cost that much.

but seriously, if you are going to work in a colsed place like a car trunk or closed garage because it is cold or raining, use a resporator. not a duct mask, a resporator. some of the chemicals in polyester resin are carsenogenic (sp?) for thoes that dont know what that is or cant understand my horrible spelling...they cause cancer. they also kill brain cells. its just like huffing paint if you dont.

well anyway, mud is probably cured now, peace.


you will have a lot of polyester resin left over and a good part of your body filler left over and other things can be scavenged from most people houses. so its a $45 maximum. and if you have a "profestional" do it, it will cost you like $150+

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shhh, i made a D in english...

moo :lol:


xtra holey





so these pics are sort of ghey :greddy2::lame:

but w/e

so not the option of how to mount them. im thinking double sided stickey tape. lol. actually im thinking rubber cement because it can be cleaned off of the plastic if i ever remove these. but im not sure how well it will hold.

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i used crazy glue to mount my friends tweeters to his doors.

They hold on there just fine.

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Crazy glue? well w/e it is it has to be able to be removed form platic if need be. which is why superglue and epoxy are out of the quesion. if i knew these would be permanent epoxy all da way.

well here are some more pics. i did a specly shot on the driver side one instead of wet sanding and it made the few imperfectins nearly invisible and got rid of a good part of the gloss




a few shots of the interior comparo




what sucks about the 6.5's mounting location. a portion of the speaker is blocked when the door is closed


and a "mounted" pic


the passenger side is on its 2nd coat of paint. 2 more coats and a speckle and its good to go.

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looking good mang...

adn i'll argue even a solox 18 can sound good(the one in my truck does)..so do a 18 and shut up the nay sayers...lmao..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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will do, next weekends project. getting as much sound as possible out of this



lmao. a $12 4x4 sheet of 1/2" plywood. glue screws and silicone...well i have plenty lying around the house. "200w rampage subwoofer" internally amped flea markey garbage. look at that beast of an amp...my crossovers are larger than that thing :lame:

we will see what it will do when put in a properly ported 0.75 cuft enclsore tuned to 37Hz. and if im not happy i will put a sony 222 on it and when it blows i will sell the enlcosre for $35-40... after a quick carpeting or painting. since i have plenty of body filler, resin, and paint.

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looks MEAN !

j/k, its wimpy

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